According to the sonics are actively trying to trade Vladamir Radmonicich to free up money for ray allen <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> They've talked with the Clippers about Chris Wilcox, the Bulls about Tyson Chandler, the Nuggets about Nene, the Wizards about Kwame Brown and the Sixers about Samuel Dalembert.</div> full article
it would be a good trade if they got any of those players for radmonovic because they need a good frontcourt player
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting FooDoggg3xB:</div><div class="quote_post">kwame is terrible anyways...</div> And how would you know this? He hasn't had a chance to show himself. 1st 2 years, MJ was all over him...last year he looked great, this summer he put on a lot of muscle but has been injured all year, let hims how himself first before you judge him because he is obviously better than you if he is in the NBA and you are sitting at home on some message board.
Other that Nene would be a bad trade for Sonics in my opinion. I like Radman very much and if it would be my decicion then I wouldn't trade Radman. But Sonics probably will lose him anyway after the season so that is a complex situation. I'm very intrigued what the outcome of this situation (and Ray's situation as well) will be.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Kobe 8 Ball:</div><div class="quote_post">Ernie Grunfeld shut them down on the Kwame issue.</div> Good. Brown wouldn't exactly fit into our frontcourt gameplan of playing very physical ball, setting screens and rebounding; Evans, Fortson and Collison all execute this beautifullywhich is why Nene would be very attractive. I was interested in Kwame last season, but seeing how our style of ball has worked this year, I'd prefer him to be elsewhere. Wouldn't mind Chandler either, we do need an athletic, shot-blocking, defensive minded centre.