I heard on the radio that Gary Payton will not report to the Hawks, and that he might be bought out. The report also said that Miami could be interested if he was available. Now I wouldnt mind him coming down here, but he must accept the role as a backup. I would much rather keep Damon in the starting role cause of his perimeter threat.
Ide like to see him back in Seattle or in Minnesota. If he did come to Miami I agree he would play bench to Damon Jones becuase Damon is the 3rd best player on that team and can run a team great.
I would pick him up, maybe some of his basketball knowledge will rub off on Dwyane Wade and teach him how to become an overall better basketball player. It would be nice to have a reliable backup point guard in the playoffs also.
I agree with CourtKing having GP backing up Damon Jones or D.Wade would be a nice thing to have during the playoffs. Not to mention GP will be appealed to the Heat because of the way things are looking for them and how they are favorites to go to the Finals. Regardless, Sacto and Boston are also canidates that are interested in signing G.Payton once he is bought out by the Hawks. A big factor is what kind of playing time GP wants. If he goes back to Boston he will be the starting PG once more, but if Payton signed with the Kings or Heat, then he would have to take a reduced role and may end up uncomfortable in that type of situation.
Payton would definitely start if he came to Miami. I doubt it will happen though. He seems to want to stay in Boston.
GP needs to sign with Seattle and retire after this season. Coming to Miami will just further tarnish his career, with or without a ring.
I really think he will end up back at Boston. I know he kicked and screamed when he got there about how he wanted to go back west but i think with Antoine and Pierce as running mates again, he can see himself as a celtic for the rest of the year, and at least have a chance at winning something.