The nets are a better team though and their bench isn't so bad because last year in the playoffs they manged to lose to the heat by 1 point and they...
<div class="quote_poster">Umair15 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">This is my top 10 1. Wade 2. Lebron 3. Kobe 4. Nowitzki 5. Nash 6. Duncan 7....
I think they underrated Mikki in all the 2k games especially because they say he's a quick guy with hops and he only has a 65 rating on his his...
What channel??????
There is no way they are going to beat the nets because there is no one who can stop Carter or jefferson or even Krstic's shot believe it or not.
They need to trade either Franchise or Starbury because they'll never have chemistry with those 2 together and they play the same position.
didn't Bonzi Wells sign with the rockets.Well if he did thanmy staerting 5 is 1Alston 2Wells 3TMac 4Howard 5ming
Listen guys the Nets are going to do way better and they definitely have a good chance at the championships this year.
Jason Kidd should be top 10 and Hinrich should be in the mid 30's
yeah what he said who'd they'd put at pf Odom or Artest Brian Cook is not worth Artest is he? or is he really good because I never saw him play....
The warriors are trash right now so switching Murphy to center won't make much of a difference.What they need to do is make trades or increase their...
they would most definitely not get a ring with AI and Pierce.they would have traded wally,AL, and green.......what would they have left....just AI...
has any one heard that jeff my be playin the 4 position
If they have 15 players they definitely have to get rid of someone and I think that should be ryan bowen
My name is Jorge I didn't grow up with cable so I'm not a long time fan Kidd was my fav player since 2002 I think he is the 2nd or 3rd best pg of...
Jason Kidd should atleast be in the top 10 or 15 because he's one of the greatest pg's the league's ever had and you can't say Nash is better than...
NO!NO!NO!NO!NO u guys have it all wrong Adams is 6'4 not 6'9. average pf size is about 6'9 he's even a bit short for the sf but he does have great...
Separate names with a comma.