12/6: Game Thread, Philadelphia 76ers vs Atlanta Hawks

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by B.e., Dec 5, 2004.

  1. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    <div align="center">[​IMG]

    <font color="DarkRed">Philadelphia 76ers</font>(6-10) <font color="Orange">Atlenta Hawks </font>(2-14)

    <font color="red">Place:Phillips Arena</font>
    <font color="red">Time:7:30 PM est</font>
    <font color="red">TV:NBALP</font></div>

    <u>Probable Starters</u>

    [​IMG] vs [​IMG] Allen Iverson-Tony Delk

    [​IMG] vs [​IMG] Kyle Korver -Josh Childress

    [​IMG] vs [​IMG] Andre Iguodla-Al Harrington

    [​IMG] vs [​IMG] Kenny Thomas- Antoine Walker


    [​IMG] vs [​IMG] Marc Jackson- Jason Collier

    <font color="DarkRed">Philadelphia 76ers</font>
    <u>Keys to the Game</u>

    The Sixers are dissapointing a lot of us Sixers fans, they are currently on a four game losing streak. Are star player and leader, Allen Iverson is currently on a terrible shooting slump. As a result I'm guessing our whole team is slumping because of Allens performances.

    We shouldnt have to be worried about this game against the Hawks. The last time Iverson played against the Hawks, he had a 50 point game. If he could do this, it would give theSixers more confidence and momentum as they head home to play the TimberWolves.

    If the Sixers want to win this game, they need to do it as a team and not rely on Allen all the time to win the game. I'm not suggesting AI back away from shooting the ball, but the other Sixers need to step up be agressive and score some. I want to see Andre Iguodala attacking the basket, as well as Willie Green. I also want to see Kyle shooting three s while Samuel Dalembert crashes the boards! Come on Sixers!

    <font color="orange">Atlanta Hawks </font>
    <u>Keys to the Game</u>
    The Hawks have to take advatage of AI's poor shooting. If I were the Hawks, I would double team Allen, and make the rest of the 76ers prove they can shoot and score. On offense, they should be able to give the ball down low to Toine and Al Harrgton, to work against the undersized Sixers.The Hawks are at home, at that should help them some, I wouldnt be suprised if they compteted well against the Sixers.

    My Prediction: if the Sixers cant beat the Hawks, I'll be very dissapointed. We should be able to take this as long as we play hard and execute, because we are the better basketball team. I expect the Sixers to win by double digits, but you never know. The Sixers havent been able to keep leads, early in the game or late in the game and thats somethingn they are going to have to do, if they want to win games on the road.
  2. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    If the 76ers can get it going right now, there is seriously something wrong. Even though they failed to close out the Rockets game, that game showed that they're not completely dead, and there is still some hope left. Their defense in the game looked very good but the offense was a little sluggish. But as for this upcoming game, this game is a gimme, the 76ers should win this one by a least 10. If not, we just got to move on and see how we do at home and if they continue to struggle something has to be done.
  3. Midnight Green

    Midnight Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Ok if we do not win this game I lsoe complete hope on this team. First off lets look at the point guard matchup not much needs to be said about it. We have a all star player as our floor leader they have a player who would probably not be a starter on most teams running the point for them.

    Then we look a tthe shooting guard matchup it is pretty even, but Korver has a much better shot facing rookie defense he should be able to get a couple easy baskets offf of picks and screens if we play it the right way. I think that he can go out for a huge game tonight and probably will. I mean come on even the Bobcats beat the Hawks we should have no problem.

    The only thing I think they are better at us then is the front court even then it is not by much. Walker is a 20 point scorer per game, but he is also a player wo does not use his pbody as much as he should, and settles to much for the outside shot. I thinkw e should elt him have that shot its better than him going inside all we do is have a hand in his face, and he should struggle.

    Al Harrington worries me he is a very good player. Though i think that Iggy plays good enough defense to contain him, and I think anything we give up in that matchup we can easily get back in the Center matchup. I mean even though Marc Jackson missed the game winner agains the Rockets he is still a very good player and is very physical I think he can over power Collier who like Delk would not ven be a starter on most teams.

    Final score I see in this game is Sixers in a route 101-85. If all goes well our bench will be big this game, and KT will continue to prove he should remain a sixer, and is worth a starting spot. To this team.
  4. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    If the Sixers lose to the Hawks we are in some serious trouble. Al Harrington worries me a bit but I think with Iguodala's defence we will be able to shut him down. Iverson should have a great game against Delk, I am expecting 25+ from him.

    Also I would like to see some of Sammy Dalembert tonight, get him going against a not so great post play of the Hawks. I am going to expect the Sixers to blow out the Hawks and get off to a quick start and don't lose the lead.

    Sixers: 95
    Hawks: 82
  5. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Corliss Williamson - probable, left knee MCL sprain</div>

    <div align="center">Link</div>

    Seems as if we are going to get Corliss back. It's not like we really needed him for this game but instead he would be much more valuable against Houston. But the fact and the matter is that he's back (supposedly), and that should really help because before he's been performing very well as of late.
  6. iversonfan3

    iversonfan3 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    wow that Jason Collier guy is UGLY. The Sixers better win this game.
  7. Erin

    Erin JBB JustBBall Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Does anyone here expect a win out of this game? As much as I WANT to think we will win this (C'mon, it's ATLANTA!)... something tells me we won't. Why? Well, we've been doing something lately that you would call not playing like a team.
  8. Diesel

    Diesel BBW Member

    Jul 6, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting iversonfan3:</div><div class="quote_post">wow that Jason Collier guy is UGLY. The Sixers better win this game.</div>

    LOLLLLLL [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] tru dat tru dat

    If the Sixers lose this game, in my book they officially suck.

    Corliss back is a great help to this team, a very good one indeed. Let Antoine Walker have his little shot he has there. I'm sure Jim O Brien knows how to take care of Antoine Walker though. Play defense on Al Harrington don't let him take it to the hoop. He likes to take it to the hoop and that is what we must not let him do. No easy baskets either.

    1) Force Anotoine Walker to have his outside shot and make him take it.
    2) Dont let Al Harrington get easy baskets.
    3) Play as a team

    If the Sixers can do these things a win is guaranteed
  9. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    So far this game is going very well, its halftime and the Sixers have a eight point lead. Hopefuly in the 2nd half Allen will keep shooting, and keep hitting. I expect the Sixers to burry the Hawks in the second half.

    One thing I am furious about is Dalembert not playing at all, I dont think he is hurt, Obie is just benching him. I'm not sure if Sam isnt picking up the system defensive system, but if he isnt, he isnt ever going to learn if he never gets any playing and the oppurtunity to learn. Thanks Jim, i have a feeling we should trade samym because he will leave in the offseason unless he starts getting playing time.
  10. dexter33

    dexter33 JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    sixers loose to atl.man its getting ugly.......trades need to be made fast. [​IMG]
  11. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I dont think it gets any worse then this guys. Again the Sixers had a solid lead throughout most of the game and they couldnt keep it. Its not looking good, and I'm starting to get suspicous on Jim Obriens coaching.

    I'll post the rest of my thoughts later........ :shakehead [​IMG]
  12. Midnight Green

    Midnight Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Ok I hate to say it, but I honestly have no expectations for this team this year as of this point. SD does not get the playing time he deserves, and the Sixers keep losing games so why not change things up nothing could hurt more than losing to the argueable worst team in the league. You cant say it is AI's fault because he played pretty good today and they still did not win I think that they need to change up the rotation. Not neccessarly trade yet, but get some player minutes. Like SD and others. Im getting pretty disgusted by this team right now. Its horrible.
  13. KingEarlBoykins

    KingEarlBoykins JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 18, 2004
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    O'brien worrys me. You dont know whos gonna play game to game. I have a feeling too were gonna lose sammy d becuase of o'brien. I hope we dont need another coaching change, but if it comes down to sammy or obrien ill take sammy
  14. TheAnswerIsAi3

    TheAnswerIsAi3 BBW Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Iverson has a very great night and Mckie has to get blocked like a retard. Hes older than Father Time....whats going on with this team. Korver was shooting way too much also in the last 2 minutes of the game. I noticed with one last attempt of desperation...Iverson launches a shot and misses. He should have got the ball instead of Mckie in the first place. What is going on with our team? They have dissapointed me these last what...4,5, or 6 games theyve lost and they now face another great big challenge in the Timberwolves! Timberwolves are way better than the ATL Hawks man. Im worried about alot of things....

    1) Jim OBriens coaching abilities...he puts Willie Green in at tough times in the games....If your stupid enough to take out your best player in the ending of the 3rd and for about 3 minutes of the 4th...your not a good coach. We dont see Rudy T. taking out Kobe Bryant in the 4th quarter when its a tight game do we? Well...Obie you need to learn that your best player should stay in for at least 43 minutes of a tight game if you want a win.

    2) Im also worried about the fact that the Sixersjust plain didnt step it up in this game. Usually when Iverson does good....they win...but for some reason...there wasnt enough scoring and rebounding and assists to give them a W. Again...a main reason is because you dont put bench players in the 4th quarter when the Hawks are ahead by 5. How stupid is that?

    3) Im definately worried about whats going to happen with this team if they keep this up. They need to trade off a couple of goofy players on the team that will not benefit us when we are in a tight situation. Who guarded Al Harrington? Was it Korver or Iggy? Well if it was Korver im disappointed but Iggy I may be able to understand as of now but some of you might disagree with me on this but...IMO...Iggy should have never got a starting spot just because hes not as good as Willie Green nor Glenn Robinson. Yea I know..GRob is hurt...but that might be another thing we need. An experienced SG. That might be one of our many problems with our team. The need of a SG. Just think about this for a moment...Iguodala is just coming into the NBA...hes only played 16 games in the NBA. Who have we played so far that has an actual very good SG. Rockets have Mcgrady...he hit the last jumper to beat the Sixers just Saturday. Well...I thought Iguodala was an SF? Well he does play SF sometimes and Korver also sometimes plays SG. But...lately Ive noticed whos playing the SF and SG spots and Iggy has been playing the SG.Why put the blame all on Andre Iguodala though? Hes just a rookie right? Well yes...but Im not just putting the blame on Iggy...Im putting the blame on Marc Jackson and Kenny Thomas also for not doing anything. To start off with...Marc Jackson shouldnt even be starting. We ALL know that Samuel Dalembert is better than Jackson. So just start him Obie! He will make a hell of a difference once he plays throughout the season.

    Kenny Thomas...our star PF. I have to admit..he actually had the exact same statline as Jamaal Magloire last year. He was awesome last year. About 14 ppg and 10 rpg. Somewhere around there. Newayz...whats he now...Like 7 points 6 boards. What in the bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! LOL I mean cmon...hes another reason why we are losing but hes our only PF. What should we do? TRADE HIM!

    Iverson is the reason this team is still even alive right now. As you can see...without him our team would look like the Bobcats after a wild party night with drunk players all over the Hotel Suite. As I just read...Iverson missed alot of shots in the 4th quarter but still...he wasnt the reason for the Sixers loss. I dont care how many shots Iverson missed in the 4th...look what he did throughout the half and 3rd. Ended with 30 points after the 3rd quarter and then thats when Obie Trice has to take him out and keep him out until about 6 minutes left of the 4th. Hmmm....do I have anything else to say...Maybe just a little bit more.

    My final words on this game and almost all the rest is this...Sixers.....youve lost to some of the worst teams in the NBA right now. Making everyone including me that you are among the worst of the NBA right now. Ahead...you have a tough schedule...thats not good. For each of our starters....Marc Jackson...please Obie give this Center a chance to warm up the bench and start SammyD....KennyT....Hes doing bad but hes our only PF...step it up a lil and maybe we can pull off a win...just contain whoever is playing PF in the Wolves game (please not KG). Korver....had his first bad shooting night tonight but im not disappointed...hes shown us that he can hit threes when we need him. Keep up the good work and hopefully you get as much time as Iverson. Iggy...Your doing good for a rookie I guess...facing players such as Mcgrady and having the possibility of facing Garnett Wednesday...Good Luck. Iverson...Havent been doing good lately but today you showed that you can do something again. Hopefully the 30 + games can keep coming and Maybe if they do...we MIGHT see a win depending on teammates. If Iverson keeps up the Point scoring and keeps his turnover down like he has lately...will we see a win to end this what like 6 game losing streak? Well I sure hope so. Good Luck to the Iversons Sixers when they host Wolves...their gonna need it.
  15. Nasty

    Nasty JBB Sorry, I killed Fever

    Jun 17, 2003
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    Ya gotta love the Atlantic!
  16. Erin

    Erin JBB JustBBall Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Jim O'Brien needs a nice kick in the rear. This team is so bad it makes me laugh. I can't believe that this team, one I thought had a chance to go back to the finals, has ended up like this. MAJOR dissapointment. I hope the fans stop showing up at games so they will realize how much they really suck and how no one wants to watch them if they suck. Pooor Comcast and Wachovia Center. No Flyers and now probably no Sixers fans to fill those seats.

    I dunno how many of you are actually from Philly but yesterday morning on Q102, Chio and all them were actually giving away FREE Sixers tickets to people who called in to chat with them. No contest to win them... nothing. I believe, according to the website, that they're doing it again today! [​IMG]
  17. iversonfan3

    iversonfan3 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    WOW, I would have to blame Jim O'Brien for this loss. What's with putting Iverson on the bench in the beginning of fourth quarter? I agree with everything everybody said. This team is so bad I find it funny.
  18. N4S

    N4S BBW Member

    May 17, 2004
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    We are definitely going to be a bottom 7-8 team in all power rankings this week if we don't win 2 out of our next 3 gaqmes. That was just pitiful last night, it made me sick in my stomach. That's the reason why I started like Detroit years ago when the 76ers started looking like this.
  19. Erin

    Erin JBB JustBBall Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Anyone want some free tickets to tomorrow's game? You can take mine! lol.
  20. N4S

    N4S BBW Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Headline in today's Phila Daily News, "It's beginning to look a lot like old Sixers". Two Words = Not Good.

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