Discussion in 'Pro Wrestling' started by makinba, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I think that we could make some virtual wrestling organization.I will be booker and I will write shows.Matches will be in written form.If you don't know what I think,I will gonna make some show in Tuesday with my guys from FBook.If you are interested,you need to choose:
    Your ring name(my ring name will be The Destruction Guy)
    Finisher(my finisher will be spear)
    And theme song(my song will be Imperial March)
  2. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    My name: The Construction Guy (perfect foil to your character; I would wear work clothes)
    Finisher: The Riveter (its a shot to the head followed by 60-90 seconds of slow dancing with your limp body)
    Theme Song: Drowning Pool, Let The Bodies Hit The Floor (obviously)
  3. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    OK,speeds is in.
  4. 3RA1N1AC

    3RA1N1AC 00110110 00111001

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    i will be a heel


    i will wear long hair and very feminine clothes and be european

    my move will be the suplex, where i will lift the other man upside down so that our faces and genitals are in the 69 position, then as he hits the ground, i will pin him to the mat upside down as if i am penetrating him.

    basically, kinda like gorgeous george

    my song will be "its raining men"
  5. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    How did you want to our company been called?
    I think S2-Federation.
  6. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 1
    Scene 1 (cold opening)

    Location: outdoors at the MWKF compound, a building site

    The Construction Guy: *raps hammer indiscriminately against 2x4* well, it took me a week to rebuild this trellis, but finally this ivy will have a place to grow again!

    <Yanni Flame enters wearing boy shorts and a flannel shirt tied at the navel>

    Yanni Flame: wow, Guy of The Construction, this would be a beautiful place for us to get gay mar-ried!

    <audience boos vigorously, The Construction Guy rolls his eyes>

    The Construction Guy: I'm just happy The Destruction Guy isn't around to ruin this beautiful day.

    Yanni Flame: I'm just happy Guy of The Destruction isn't here to ruin my beautiful new haircut!

    <camera zooms in on Yanni Flame's heavily gelled hair for 20 uninterrupted seconds>

    The Construction Guy: I don't know what took more work--this build or your crazy hairdo!

    <audience says "oh no you did-ent" in unison, followed by hooting>

    Yanni Flame: thanks for nah-tising, bro! *pulls hand mirror from back pocket, admires himself*

    The Construction Guy: would you stop that and hand me that saw?

    <feint music grows louder in background from unknown source>

    Yanni Flame: wait, do you hear something bro? it sounds like...

    The Construction Guy: <drops saw, takes off hardhat in disbelief> no, it couldn't be, the police took him to prison last week for destroying my Amish veranda!

    <Imperial March plays loudly, The Destruction Guy approaches in new 2012 Chevy Silverado (sponsor) painted black with red flames>

    The Construction Guy & Yanni Flame: <in unison> Oh noooo!

    <The Destruction Guy plows through freshly rebuilt trellis in truck, with the somehow fiery explosion repeated from multiple angles on replay>

    The Destruction Guy: <pulls up beside The Construction Guy & Yanni Flame, who are on the ground> Wooo! Sorry to interrupt your gay picnic, boys!

    <Audience roars>

    The Destruction Guy: if you're sore about it, maybe you want to take on me and a mystery partner in a tag match tonight at Tuesday Wrestlebomb?!

    The Construction Guy: you're on, The Destruction Guy!

    <Show opens>
    3RA1N1AC likes this.
  7. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    1st show will be in Friday,we have 3 guys and will be more.
  8. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 2
    Scene 1 (show opening)

    <camera pans rapidly around crowd while the Tuesday Wrestlebomb theme & video montage fades out>

    Art Needleman: Hello everyone and welcome once again to Tuesday Wrestlebomb! We're here in beautiful Muncie, Indiana at the John E Worthen Arena for some hardcore man-on-man action! With me as always is my broadcast partner Brian "The Boz" Bosworth--Boz, what do you think of tonight's lineup?

    The Boz: I'd say we're Back in Business, Andy--

    Art Needleman: --it's Art--

    The Boz: --The Construction Guy is out for One Man's Justice and he's serving it up Stone Cold!

    Art Needleman: That's right, we have a huge main event planned for this evening, with The Construction Guy tagging up with Yanni Flame to take on The Destruction Guy and a mystery partner! Who do you think the mystery partner will be, Boz?

    The Boz: I can't wait!

    Art Needleman: ... okay, well we'll find out later tonight who it will be, but first up we have a women's match between Queen Sicktoria and the all-American girl next door, Jenny Bodyslam!

    <Long Live The Queen begins to play as Queen Sicktoria walks to the ring wearing a gown, a crown, and holding a scepter; crowd boos lustily>

    Ring Announcer (a fully blitzed Scott Hall, leaning against the ropes in the ring corner): Making her way to the ring... weighing 5-foot-5... from England, London... Queen Vickstoria!

    Queen Sicktoria: <to audience> Shut up you scallywags!

    The Boz: If she hates America so much, why doesn't she go back to where she came from--the past!

    Art Needleman: I think England still exists today, Boz...

    The Boz: Yeah with all their frilly wigs and cannonballs--we're talking about ancient history here, Andy.

    Art Needleman: I... what does that even--

    <Born in the U.S.A. begins to play as Jenny Bodyslam walks to the ring in a 80's-style tracksuit with stars & bars; crowd erupts>

    Ring Announcer Scott Hall: <breathes heavily into microphone, says nothing coherent>

    Art Needleman: Jenny Bodyslam wrestled at Iowa State University, Boz, and held her own against the men!

    The Boz: I'd like to hold *long string of beeped-out expletives*

    Art Needleman: ...are we back on the air? Okay, wow, so this match is ready to begin, and it's for the MKWF Women's Cruiserweight Championship of the World!

    <Queen Sicktoria hands referee her scepter, tells him to place it gently at ringside>

    <With the ref's back turned, Queen Sicktoria lunges at Jenny Bodyslam, but she gets picked up and body-slammed>

    Art Needleman: Oh! Jenny Bodyslam just turned the tables on Queen Sicktoria and this match is underway!

    <The ref scrambles back into the ring in time to make an emphatic 2-count on the pinned Queen Sicktoria>

    Art Needleman: It's going to take more than one body-slam to pin Queen Sicktoria, Boz!

    <Queen Sicktoria tells the referee to go check on her crown, and he immediately leaves the ring during the match to do so>

    The Boz: She's up to something!

    <Queen Sicktoria grabs her scepter and smashes Jenny Bodyslam over the head with it, knocking her out>

    Art Needleman: Oh! She's sick! Referee-why aren't you paying attention! This is unbelievable!

    <Queen Sicktoria nonchalantly goes for the pin as the ref reenters the ring and begins to count>

    The Boz: This match is over! Long live The Queen!

    Art Needleman: This is unconscionable!

    <Before the referee reaches three, he is dragged out of the ring by his foot; a midget dressed as Abe Lincoln has interrupted the count>

    Art Needleman: It's Honest Abe to save the match!

    <crowd boisterously chants "U-S-A">

    Queen Sicktoria: <reaches over ring ropes and grabs wildly for Honest Abe> You scallywag! Get back here!

    <The ring bell chimes signaling that the match has been ruled a no-contest due to outside interference; Scott Hall is asleep on a folding chair cannot announce the result>

    Art Needleman: Uh-oh! Queen Sicktoria's about to get a spoonful of her own medicine!

    <Jenny Bodyslam sneaks up behind Queen Sicktoria and taps her on the shoulder, then body-slams her>

    The Boz: Don't mess with the USA!

    <Jenny Bodyslam carries Honest Abe around the ring on her shoulders, celebrating>

    <cut to commercials>
  9. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    1st show that will follow the storylines will be in Friday and will be called
    S2-F WrestleBomb
    There will gonna be 3 matches,segments,and we have 2 titles S2-F Titile S2-F tag team title.
  10. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 2
    Scene 1

    Location: backstage, Yanni Flame's flamboyantly appointed dressing room

    <Yanni Flame is admiring his posterior in a full-length mirror when The Construction Guy enters the room holding a pipe wrench>

    The Construction Guy: Yanni! What are we gonna do?

    <Yanni Flame is fixated on the mirror and doesn't respond>

    The Construction Guy: Yanni! The tag match! Are you even worried?!

    Yanni Flame: Yamakshuh, is okay, I know ow to deal with Guy of The Destruction. I have surprise too!

    The Construction Guy: You mean you have a plan? <fiddles with adjustable pipe wrench>

    Yanni Flame: Yanni Flame always have a plan, comrade!

    <The Construction Guy nods approvingly; crowd ooohs>

    Act 2
    Scene 2

    Location: backstage, commissioner Denny Crane's office

    <Shot from behind Denny Crane's desk; the commissioner isn't visible except for the back of his chair and one hand that lazily holds a lit cigar>

    <Masked luchador Ricky El Impresionantes Espectacular bursts into office>

    Ricky: Boss! Boss! I wanna The Destruction Guy's mystery tag partner toniiiiight!

    Denny Crane: Everyone wants something for nothing, Ricky. I'm not running a charity, here.

    Ricky: Boss, you don't una-stand, I afta get back at Yanni! It's importantemente!

    Denny Crane: What is your problem with Yanni Flame, Ricky?

    Ricky: Boss, he make sex with my mother--and my father!

    <crowd screams with disgust>

    Denny Crane: The Destruction Guy already has a tag partner chosen for tonight, Ricky.

    Ricky: whaaaa?! Who is it?!

    <audio feed cuts out, crowd groans; Ricky is shocked by whoever Denny Crane says the partner is>

    Act 2
    Scene 3

    Location: ringside

    Art Needleman: wow, did you hear what he said, Boz, I think we had a problem with the audio?

    <Bosworth isn't wearing his headset and doesn't reply since he's busy cavorting with a local hussie>

    Art: alright, well as always Tuesday Wrestlebomb is brought to you by Jack in the Box: eat at Jack in the Box since you've given up on happiness.

    <cut to Jack in the Box commercial>
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
  11. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    speeds,if you want,you could write segments for WrestleBomb.
  12. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Wrestlebomb is the Tuesday show, I'll let you run the Friday show like you wanted.
  13. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    OK,you would be booker and writter for the WBomb and I will write the Friday show which been called SmashKick
  14. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 3
    Scene 1

    Scott Hall (propped up by three roadies): come to the ring, from American...

    <Born to Kill a B**** N**** plays as Diggity makes his way to the ring>

    Diggity: Yo, yo, yo! Diggity in the hizzy for shizzy!

    Art Needleman: It's about to kick-off, Boz!

    The Boz: I never was one for coloured music. He's white but he acts like a black.

    Art Needleman: <gasps>

    Diggity: Comin' to ya straight from da streets of Augusta, Maine, mayne!

    <crowd erupts as Diggity makes it rain with $1 bills>

    Diggity: Dey told me dey don't like rappin' in Muncie. Was dey right, peeps?

    <crowd shouts no!>

    Diggity: I mean was dey right peeps? Do y'all want to hear me rap or not, mayne?

    <crowd doesn't know how to answer both questions simultaneously and responds incoherently>

    Diggity: Yo, yo, yo, here we go! My name is Diggity and I'm here to say, I like to rap in an old school way!

    <Art Needleman dances in his seat as Brian Bosworth seethes>

    Diggity: Awww yeah, that was great! Where my dogs at, yo?! Say where my dogs at?!

    <crowd barks>

    Art Needleman: c'mon Boz, it's a party when Diggity is in the hizzy!

    <Culo plays as Ricky El Impresionantes Espectacular hurries to the ring>

    The Boz: aw hell nah, how many goddamn minorities are we going to have to sit through tonight, needledick? This ain't the circus.

    Art Needleman: good grief... <recomposes himself> Okay, this match will be for the MKWF Super Bantamweight World Championship!

    <Scott Hall is carried out of the ring and the bell sounds to begin the match>

    Art Needleman: we have some high-flyers in the ring, some technical wrestlers who will put their talents on display!

    The Boz: <grumbles>

    Art Needleman: great reversal by Diggity! These guys are so talented and enthusiastic, their souls yet uncrushed by the unfair, unfeeling steam roller that is the business of professional wrestling.

    <Diggity and Ricky take turns tumbling harmlessly around the ring>

    Art Needleman: now is a great time to remind the kids at home not to try this--not at your house, not with your friends at school, not anywhere! These men are trained professionals. Also, Christmas is coming up--ask your parents to buy you our authentic replica wrestling costumes so you can dress up as your favourite MKWF stars and have fun with your friends!

    <Scott Hall vomits uncontrollably on Art Needleman's shoes and pant leg; Brian Bosworth laughs riotously>

    Diggity: <to crowd> Yoooooo!

    Art Needleman: <quietly> just get that lush away from me for the love of-- <loudly> Oh yeah, it's time for The Grill-Smasher! Here comes Diggity's finishing move, Boz!

    <Diggity curb-stomps Ricky's head and wins the match without needing a pinfall; crowd performs Diggity Dance in unison>

    Art Needleman: a surprisingly vicious end to what was a fun wrestling match, Boz. Our main event is coming up next--but who will The Destruction Guy's mystery partner be?

    The Boz: Won't be that little *beeped*, he just got his *beeped* face *beeped* up like he stole from a good ol boy.

    Art Needleman: <glares wide-eyed into camera>

    <cut to commercial>
  15. makinba

    makinba Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    speeds,when wiil be matches on your show?
  16. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

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    Re: Virtual Organization

    I don't know how to answer this question.
  17. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 4
    Scene 1

    <the sounds of saws, drills, and hammers reverberate through the arena, signaling The Construction Guy's impending entrance>

    Art Needleman: here we go, Boz, time for the main event! The Construction Guy is tired of having his pointless projects pointlessly destroyed by The Destruction Guy each and every week!

    The Boz: I had to take down a gang of gun-toting maniacs in a grocery store in my movie Stone Cold. Do you know how I did it?

    Art Needleman: you spilled some liquid on the floor and the bad guy slipped and knocked himself out.

    The Boz: he fell into a big stack of Coke cans! <laughs uproariously>

    Art Needleman: maybe The Construction Guy has built a trap for The Destruction Guy this week?

    The Boz: then the police chief chewed me out. But I get results!

    <Let The Bodies Hit The Floor plays as The Construction Guy comes to the ring with a six-foot folding ladder>

    Ring Announcer Scott Hall: Hey Mike, what's up? Wanna go get some sluts?

    Art Needleman: <to producers> why does he still have a microphone?

    The Construction Guy: <to crowd, menacingly> I'll fix you! I'll fix all of you!

    <The Construction Guy uses the ladder to get into the ring despite the presence of ring steps nearby>

    Art Needleman: he's the best contractor in the world, Boz.

    The Boz: I'm thinking about having him build a set for my new movie, Bad Cop, Bad Cop.

    Art Needleman: which one do you play?

    The Boz: the good cop.

    Art Needleman: what?

    <It's Raining Men! plays over the PA as Yanni Flame's typical pink and purple fireworks light up the arena>

    <Ring Announcer Scott Hall gives Yanni Flame the finger, says nothing>

    Art Needleman: The Construction Guy and Yanni Flame--what would you name this tag team, Boz?

    The Boz: don't try and put me on the spot, nerd-man, you're the "smart one" <makes finger quotes despite not being on camera>

    Art Needleman: okay, maybe I would name them J-something, maybe you'd remember that, seeing as how in literally all of your films your character's name would start with a J because you wouldn't respond when people called you something else--including Brian.

    <dozens of leather-clad BSDM men flock to the ring behind Yanni Flame, surrounding it>

    The Boz: I've just been told that this match is going to be a tag-team lumberjack match, Andy, but they don't look like lumberjacks to me? It looks like the last thing those boys jacked was *another long string of bleeped expletives*

    Art Needleman: ... yes it seems Yanni Flame's surprise for The Destruction Guy was a horde of gays. Really no other way to put it, Boz.

    The Boz: well you could put it in your *bleep* like all these *bleep*

    Art Needleman: alrighty then, it's that time of the night where we send The Boz backstage to interview someone and distract him with Miller tallboys to keep him from coming back to ringside. I hear Jenny Bodyslam is looking for you, Boz--maybe you should go see what she wants?

    The Boz: probably a cut of my perfect blond hair for a DNA paternity test, Andy. I ain't never not going anywhere near that old bag again.

    Art Needleman: that's okay, I heard she was getting a ride home from Diggity, tonight.

    <The Boz knocks over announce table in rush to get backstage>

    Art Needleman: Scott Hall seems to have blacked out so I will let everyone watching at home that coming to the ring next is the MKWF Heavyweight Superchampion of the World, The Destruction Guy!

    <Imperial March sounds out, crowd goes bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s, but The Destruction Guy doesn't come out>

    Art Needleman: what's going on? Where is The Destruction Guy? What's happened?

    <cut to commercials>
  18. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 4
    Scene 2

    Art Needleman: and we're back, still waiting on The Destruction Guy--where could he be?

    <video pops onto the jumbotron, featuring The Destruction Guy looking into the camera>

    The Destruction Guy: hey, is this thing on?

    <crowd cries out at sight of The Destruction Guy on screen>

    The Destruction Guy: <to camera> Ok, now I see you two losers, what's up gayboys?

    <The Construction Guy and Yanni Flame point angrily at the screen and stomp their feet>

    The Destruction Guy: Sorry I couldn't be there for your coming out party, The Construction Guy!

    <crowd erupts in an orgy of vicious mockery; The Construction Guy kicks over ringside ladder in frustration>

    The Destruction Guy: I thought I'd get you to boners out of the way so I could have a little bit of fun. Don't worry--you'll still get your candy asses kicked tonight--but first, watch this!

    <camera feed pans out to reveal that The Destruction Guy's truck has many ropes attached to the back, tethered to an old trailer home>

    The Destruction Guy: <from window of 2012 Chevy Silverado> isn't this your old grannies house, the one you built for her after her husband passed leaving her under a mountain of debt?

    <crowd roars; The Construction Guy pleads with the jumbotron>

    The Destruction Guy: you built this trailer home one nail at a time. Well I'm going to tear it apart in about three seconds! Prepare to be homeless, granny!

    The Construction Guy: nooooooooooo!

    <The Destruction Guy hits the gas, pulling the trailer home's front wall off in an inexplicably sparkly, fiery explosion>

    <cut to commercial>
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
  19. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    Tuesday Wrestlebomb

    Act 4
    Scene 3

    <Imperial March plays (really, Imperial March?) as The Destruction Guy's truck enters the arena still dragging parts of the old trailer home>

    Art Needleman: here we go, finally, time for the main event, The Destruction Guy is here and he's bringing hell with him!

    <The Destruction Guy exits truck and goes back over to the debris, humping a board from the trailer home to the delight of the crowd>

    Art Needleman: oh this is shameful... but who is his mystery partner?

    <The Horde of Gays gather near the front of the ring to intercept The Destruction Guy, flexing and pointing menacingly>

    The Destruction Guy: <approaching> Come on! You wanna piece of me?

    <Born to be Boz starts playing in the arena>

    Art Needleman: it can't be! It's not possible!

    <Brian Bosworth is lowered from the rafters on a harness, his blond mohawk fluttering majestically>

    Art Needleman: The Destruction Guy's mystery partner is The Boz!

    <Bosworth lands behind The Construction Guy and Yanni Flame, who don't notice him or the roaring crowd, or the footage on the jumbotron they are facing showing everything that is happening>

    Art Needleman: at this point Scott Hall would say that this tag team special attraction is a lumberjack match, with no count-outs, scheduled for one fall.

    <Bosworth attacks The Construction Guy from behind, lifting him up by his toolbelt and kicking him between the legs>

    Art Needleman: oh, his favourite tool, ruined by The Boz!

    <The Destruction Guy roars, sending the Horde of Gays scattering into the ringside crowd; Yanni Flame launches himself off the top ropes but The Destruction Guy catches him and drops him on the ladder>

    Art Needleman: it's pandemonium in Muncie!

    <The Boz applies The Bozton Crab to The Construction Guy, who taps-out furiously but there is no referee to save him>

    <The Destruction Guy enters the ring as The Boz picks up a dazed The Construction Guy, setting him up like a bowling pin>

    <The Destruction Guy spears The Construction Guy and pins him for the victory>

    Art Needleman: The Construction Guy, foiled again! Nobody thought The Boz would come out of his one-week retirement!

    <The Destruction Guy and The Boz celebrate in the ring with Miller tallboys, but The Boz hits The Destruction Guy when his back is turned>

    Art Needleman: what?! No! Why? The Boz has turned on The Destruction Guy! But why?

    <The Boz pours beer on The Destruction Guy's limp body as the show fades out>

    Art Needleman: find out Friday on MKWF SmashKick!

    <show ends>
  20. 3RA1N1AC

    3RA1N1AC 00110110 00111001

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Re: Virtual Organization

    when i enter, i can be leading a man on a dog leash crawling behind me, he can be wearing a leather gimp mask and a leather thong. and when i am about to pin someone down i can drag him into the ring to pin them instead while i whip out a video camera and film it.

    and my alternate walk in music can be "im too sexy for my shirt" or whatever its called


    there could be a super masculine guy who wears a mask, and is always surrounded by super hot girls, and on a pay per view special it can be revealed that it is i, yanni flame, beneath the mask, to the confusion of all

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