If you're not on the L-Train, what are you waiting for?

Discussion in 'Portland Trail Blazers' started by Blazer Fanatic, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    Since December 1st, with a road victory versus LAL and followed with home wins against IND and OKC, Aldridge has been on a tear. It was the OKC game LA heard his first “MVP” chants of the season.

    Aldridge is averaging exactly 1 minute per game less than he did last season, and his numbers since Dec 1st have been the best stretch of his career:

    25.1 PPG .489 FG% .848 FT% 12.4 RPG 3.4 APG 1.01 BPG
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  2. BBert

    BBert Weasels Ripped My Flesh

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Those are amazing numbers.

    In with the obligatory: Suck It, Hatrs!!1! :)
  3. Boise Blazer

    Boise Blazer Thread Lightly

    Dec 12, 2008
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    LaMarcus Aldridge is a legit MVP candidate

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  4. BBert

    BBert Weasels Ripped My Flesh

    Sep 24, 2008
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    What? I've almost never seen fans do that during games I've watched. According to that quote, it happens at every game, in every arena? Huh?
  5. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    High points first, because some people have a tendency to stop reading when they don't like what they see. He's been great defensive rebounding---whether it's because of Lopez or coaching schemes or whatever, he gets a big gold star b/c if you only counted defensive rebounds, he would be at a total rebound career high (8.7/g), and a DRB% over 25%, which puts him 14th among players who play 15mpg. (In comparison, last year, which was his previous career high--by far--he was 48th.). It's not that he's more ferocious on the boards (he's 48th in rebounding percentage per chance), but he's 10th in the league in "rebound opportunities" (defined by nba.com as being within 3.5 of a rebound). Again, whether it's scheme, drive or luck, he's putting himself in position to get a lot more rebounds on the defensive end. When he's trying to be LaMonster, he's nigh-unstoppable. Alas, he's only doing that on the defensive end (rebounding) and 30% of the time on offense.

    For me, it's this inconsistency between playing down low (since we disagree on definitions, I'm going to say "10 feet and in") and pretending he's an elite shooter, especially "on the block".

    He has 274 catch-and-shoot attempts (defined by nba.com as "Any jump shot outside of 10 feet where a player possessed the ball for 2 seconds or less and took no dribbles") this year (7.2/g), #4 in the league among players who have more than 15mpg, and a eFG% of 50.1% on them. That's 155th in the league (among the same qualifiers). Of the other high-volume shooters, Klay (60.4%), Dirk (57.5%), Ryan Anderson (61.0%) and Kyle Korver (71.8%) round out the top 5.

    In terms of pull-up jumpers (defined by nba.com as "Any jump shot outside 10 feet where a player took 1 or more dribbles before shooting") this year, he's 16th at 6.3 attempts per game. His eFG% on them is 40.2%, 145th in the same category.
    Yes, his ppg are up 2.7 per game to a total of 23.8ppg. But he's taking 3.1 more shots per game and shooting the lowest percentage of his career (47.4%), which means that for every extra shot he's putting up over last year he's only getting .87 extra points. That's turrble. He's shooting the same number of FTs (about 5/g, down a bit from 5.5 during the LaMonster days).

    So unfortunately, he's only shooting 232 of his 795 shots (30%) within 10 feet of the hoop (where he gets the vast amount of his foul shots and shoots 59%). He's (comparatively) almost stopped shooting from the left side (only 101 of his 795 shots)--you might think maybe because he's shooting only 41% from there, or because schematically they don't want him over there. But it's not much better from the right side, aside from the corner 16-23-footer that he's making at 52%. Every other shot he takes from the right side (including the one he takes most, the left "block" jumper) he shoots 38% on 245 shots. For those counting at home without a calculator, that means that of the 523 shots he takes outside the paint (leading the league) he's shooting 42%, which is the same as his career 41.8% average.

    Additionally, where are you getting that he's shooting 50.1% since Dec. 1? He shot 54% in October, 44% in Nov., 49.3% in Dec and 48.1% so far in Jan. He's shooting the worst percentage of his career (47%).

    Looking at the win-loss splits, his rebounding is much more of a factor than his shooting, since his volume and efficiency shooting are very similar. He shoots 20.8 FGA/g for 47.9% (24.0ppg) in wins, and 21.3 FGA/g for 45.8% (23.3ppg) in losses. However, he averages 12rpg in wins and 8.6rpg in losses.

    If you really want to make MVP arguments, and you really want to "jump on the L-Train", then stick with the counting stats and enjoy. The more you watch, and the more that you study what your eyes may not see, the more you realize that LMA has become the perfect Robin, and that he probably isn't even the team's MVP (I'll save that for another post), and he probably shouldn't keep jacking up the voluminous amount of jumpers that he does, since he's not doing any better than anytime else in his career (actually, worse, since he's shooting more of them).

    Sure, chant M-V-P and make him feel comfortable in Portland. If it helps him sign a max extension here, great. I like having him on the team, and the potential of LaMonster bubbling below the surface. I (and everyone else should) recognize that when he's playing like LaMonster he's the best all-around big (not named LeBron) in the NBA. But recognize as well that his uptick in scoring isn't b/c he's playing more like LaMonster, it's because he's playing more like a mix of K*be's chucker-ness and Andrea Bargnani's efficiency (no, really, look it up). His rise in rebounding isn't from crashing the offensive boards (lowest total AND ORB% of his career), it's from sticking himself in position on D to get them. It's not LMA that's increasing the team's offensive efficiency to 1st in the league, since he's actually less efficient than he was last year--just taking more shots.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  6. PtldPlatypus

    PtldPlatypus Let's go Baby Blazers! Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Nov 10, 2008
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    BF v BFW fight! I gots ta see dis...

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  7. Strenuus

    Strenuus Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Brian throwing the facts around. I like it.
  8. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

    Sep 16, 2008
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    This my motto. Win tonight, and then worry about the next game.
  9. Natebishop3

    Natebishop3 Don't tread on me!

    Sep 17, 2008
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    @ Brian

    Sometimes I think the team gets too carried away with trying to establish LA in the post, especially when there's a hot hand like Dame or Wes that should probably be getting the ball. With that said, I think this is all part of Stott's plan because he wants LA to fill the same role that Dirk filled on the championship Mavs team. The problem is that Dirk is a much better outside shooter.
  10. Natebishop3

    Natebishop3 Don't tread on me!

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Does saying "29-9" work in this argument?
  11. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Is he a "much better" outside shooter? Dirk is a better 3 point shooter, but it's not like LaMarcus rarely shoots outside shots and is mostly an inside guy.
  12. Natebishop3

    Natebishop3 Don't tread on me!

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Let me put it this way.... I would rather have Dirk shooting jumpers for my team than LA.
  13. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Dirk (in a "down" year) is at 47% on catch-and-shoots, and 44.1% on pullups. But look at his shotchart, and see how many of his shots are where LMA takes them (and the %'s) and how many 3s he takes.

  14. BBert

    BBert Weasels Ripped My Flesh

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I just figured LaMarcus doesn't get offensive rebounds because he's not in position to get them because that's not how the offense is designed. Although I'll admit, when the game is on the line, he is often the one down there in the trenches digging them out.

    As for not increasing the team's offensive efficiency because his jump shots aren't very efficient, I figured making Aldridge the focal point is by design to open up the offense for our highly efficient three point shooters and offensive rebounders. In that sense I figure he's indirectly helping to increase efficiency.
  15. blue9

    blue9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    +1 To everything Brian wrote.

    I haven't wanted to harp on it too much (mainly just in game threads) because there are very few people that are receptive to the message. But also because I'm still holding out a small amount of hope that we'll see a change after the All Star break. I can understand "taking it easy" for the first half of the season so that we're not beat up going into the POs. But something that's concerning is that on the rare occasion when LMA does go to work in the paint his moves don't look good, and often result in a badly missed shot. It makes sense - he's out of practice. We're going to need him to push that FG% up above 50% and increase his FTA if we're going to have success in the POs. But first he needs to reorient himself with the inside game.

    I'll add that I've noticed significant improvement in his defense. He still doesn't rotate on help-D very well, but his man-D has definitely gotten better. It's great that both his rebounding and man-D have improved, but otherwise he has actually regressed.
  16. blue9

    blue9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    This just has never made any sense to me. How does an 18' jump shooter open up space for 23' jump shooters? Wouldn't it be far more effective, in both FG% AND creating space, to have him close to the basket? Put him within 10' of the hoop and that's 13' of space to the nearest possible 3-point shooter, vs 5' from where he typically shoots.
  17. RR7

    RR7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    If you're looking specifically at where he shoots from, then sure. But then again, if he's shooting from there, he doesn't really need to create space for others. I dunno where you can find a stat of where he otherwise is touching the ball, and the space it'd create. Meaning, how often is he on the block, and then kicking out to open shooters? I dunno what stat you'll find for it, but that'd be where he's creating space.
  18. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    That's how I look at it. LaMarcus is like Westbrook, his individual stats aren't impressive efficiently. But he puts the team in a position where others can be extremely effective. The teammates play so much better with those guys on the floor. It's like the "Lopez" effect but for scoring.
  19. blue9

    blue9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    That would be interesting to see.
  20. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    Quick reply to Brian's post: Lots of stuff to address in that post, but I'll start with the word inconsistent being used to describe any aspect of LA's game. Inconsistent is antonym, not a synonym for LA. He has 21 double-doubles, and 15 games of at least 20 points and 10 rebounds speaks for itself - as do the line I posted in the OP.


    He’s getting more boards… a lot more - which was the big knock on LA from people who didn’t appreciate his game. I would argue he’s really not a better rebounder. I would simply say that having a center and playing his natural position has been the greatest difference. Furthermore, I would submit that people who were critical of LA’s rebounding before, and are not critical now, are arguing from a bias position to begin with. I think it’s important to identify this bias when looking at other arguments.


    Cherry picking, micro-managed shooting stats from a shot chart is too short on context to get so wordy about why this paints an accurate picture of LA's value or career best combined-line. What is the role of each of the players you listed to start your argument? And how much do they contribute to team wins? How do they perform in the clutch, and how often has each of them taken over games in the 4th to lead their respective teams to victory?

    Klay (60.4%), Dirk (57.5%), Ryan Anderson (61.0%) and Kyle Korver (71.8%)

    We'll ignore Klay and Korver, because they do more to distract than help your argument. At last look, they weren't PFs averaging 25 PPG. Dirk and Anderson are great shooters, who shoot the 3 ball which greatly enhances eFG% and TS%, but again, Brian's argument fail to paint the context well at all. What is the affect on the team? LA puts the Blazers on his back, and they are 30-9 as a result. That is the key to appreciating LA's game this season. Without that, it's just more stat geek noise. Granted, it was more difficult to appreciate his game in the past because of his role, and the tallent. But this team, built by Olshey, Coached by Stotts, is all about LA, and Portland and Blazer fans are reaping the fruits of this perfect storm.

    Comparing him to Kobe, another SG that shoots 3s? Yikes... Brian is REALLY reaching to discredit LA's MVP candidate performance the past 2 months with this gem. Currently ranked 3 on NBA.com. Bueller... Bueller?

    I also find the assumption Brain makes, that shooting percentages should remain constant regardless of volume of shots, role, or situation, disingenuous.

    Wes killed it from 3 tonight, primarily because LA draws a LOT of attention. Take nothing away from Wes, but it's a team game, and the Blazers play it better than any team in the NBA on offense. LA is THE man on this Blazer team. Period.

    I don't really understand the goal, or purpose of Brian's post, other than to discredit support for LA having the best stretch in his career. I can only assume he is not "on the L-train" - a synonym for being on the LA bandwagon, or being a fan of his. I didn't bring up other players in my OP, although I'd be happy to do so at a later point in time. I didn't say he was the best player in the NBA, or even the MVP of the NBA. But he is in the conversation whether Brian likes it or not.


    And the vitriol reaches it's climax... bravo.

    "You don't watch games, you don't understand basketball, you don't study the games..." Blah, Blah, Blah. All this for posting LA's line since Dec 1st? This has been building up for a long time I suspect. lol

    I don't want to get into this or the following paragraph much. This is an opinion, which Brian is entitled to, and I completely disagree with. But it does clarify for anyone reading, a bias Brain has that runs counter to what 30-9 shows. 30-9 is a good thing... if you're a Blazer fan anyway.

    It makes LA feel APPRECIATED. It is how Blazer fans show their APPRECIATION.

    Brain doesn't like it. Alrighty then...

    I would suggest taking some empathy classes, and perhaps a few on how to show appreciation for things and people. I might also suggest not attending Blazer games till that course work is completed and passed, to avoid any anger issues and stress that may occur as a result of hearing said chants at the game.

    Like it or not, chanting MVP for LA is well deserved. Feel free to carry on any crusade to discourage BLAZER fans from doing so.

    I shutter to think the arguments Brian made in previous years. I'm glad I wasn't around here for that. Yikes.
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