One more weird article by Canzano

Discussion in 'Portland Trail Blazers' started by SlyPokerDog, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    By John Canzano |
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    on March 15, 2014 at 7:01 AM, updated March 15, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    In the spring of 2012, agent Todd Musburger operating on Phil Jackson's behalf, made overtures to the Trail Blazers as they searched for a general manager, and later, team president. The now 68-year old former coach was interested in a front-office, non-coaching job with Paul Allen's basketball team.
    Allen instead hired Neil Olshey as GM, and four months later, Chris McGowan as president, another indication that the owner wasn't willing to give the keys to anyone, not even a guy with his fingerprints on 13 NBA championships.
    Jackson and the New York Knicks reportedly finalized a deal on Friday that will make him team president. And while the rest of the country is celebrating this as the return of the Zen Master to the NBA, in Portland, for Olshey and Allen, this becomes something entirely more serious.
    No matter what Olshey says, no matter what Allen acknowledges, they must know they're now in a race now not only against the rest of the Western Conference, but also against Jackson. If Jackson should pull the Knicks out of their mediocre spin and make a deep run in the NBA playoff before the Blazers do, it's going to confirm what we've suspected all along about Allen --- that he would be better off simply hiring good basketball people and getting out of the way.
    I celebrated Allen's magical Super Bowl run with the Seahawks. He made a great hires with his coach (Pete Carroll) and GM (John Schneider). Then, Allen stepped aside, and spent his most visible moments raising the 12th-Man flag, NFC Championship trophy, then Lombardi Trophy. He sounded and looked like an evolved version of the heavy-handed, reactive NBA owner who ground his sports employees to dust and threw the Rose Garden Arena into bankruptcy.
    Allen was taking a football victory lap. Then, he did an interview with the New York Times in which he said, "In Portland, I am more involved in the details of trade discussions because I’ve been around that sport longer and can watch tape and can give some input to the drafting process. In football, not at all. It’s so specialized."
    In the NFL, you can have a misfire on a draft pick, a signing or a trade and take a mulligan. Defensive back Brandon Browner played in eight games for the Seahawks this season due to suspensions. Receiver Percy Harvin, who Seattle gave up three draft picks (including 2013's first-round pick), didn't truly contribute either this season until the second half of a Super Bowl that was already a blowout. The non-guaranteed contracts in the NFL allow for mistakes and the 53-man roster is forgiving, and this is exactly where an owner who wanted to give some draft input could do minimal harm.
    In the NBA?
    Not so much.
    Make a mistake with a draft pick, fall in love with the wrong free agent, or make a lopsided trade and you're stuck with the problem. Contracts are guaranteed, the rosters are limited to 15 players, 12 of whom are active. Errors are compounded and lasting, and we've seen Allen get enamored and duped before, including, but not limited to, players such as Darius Miles and Sebastian Telfair. Those without serious basketball acumen and terrific instincts shouldn't be allowed to have their hands on the controls in the NBA. Good owners are involved, but would never overrule a terrific basketball advisor.
    Is Jackson a team builder or just a great coach who had the fortune of designing an offense for Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant? That's the question everyone around the NBA wants answered. Everyone is looking at Jackson, wondering how much of his comeback has to do with Pat Riley's success with the Heat. But what the rest of us in Portland want to know is whether Allen would have simply been better off two summers ago hiring Jackson instead of Olshey and letting the Blazers follow the path of the Seahawks.
    Olshey's contract with the Blazers reportedly was for three guaranteed years and $3.6 million, with team options for two additional years. He's knee-deep in that deal now.
    Jackson won two NBA titles as a player with the Knicks in the 1970s. He didn't build those teams, he suited up for them. He won 11 titles as a coach, and while he may have been heavily involved with personnel, he didn't either design those rosters. But the Knicks have brought Jackson back to be their architect, and if you're Allen and Olshey, you understand that your timeline just started ticking louder because it's Jackson who is about to join the race.
    On the basketball side, Allen and Olshey had a head start of two-NBA Drafts, two summers, and nearly two complete seasons of play. They know their roster better, and have more flexibility. Aside from Carmelo Anthony, a bet to opt out at the end of this season, the rest of the Knicks roster amounts to basketball gridlock.
    The Blazers have two All-Stars (Lamarcus Aldridge and Damian Lillard), a couple of other nice pieces (Nic Batum and Wesley Matthews). But also, a heavy playoff-victory drought that dates back to the 2000 Western Conference finals, more than a year before Apple introduced the first-generation iPod.
    This is only to say that as much as Allen and Olshey might want to be compared with the Thunder, Spurs and Rockets right now, the most honest and authentic comparison is the Knicks. New York hadn't won a first-round playoff series during the same stretch as the Blazers until last season when it knocked the Celtics out, 4-2, before sputting out in the second round by the Pacers.
    Momentum, talent, flexibility --- Allen and Olshey have every advantage over Jackson today --- everything except those 13 NBA titles.
    Can they get close to one championship before Jackson has a brush with No. 14?
    --- @JohnCanzanoBFT
  2. OneLifeToLive

    OneLifeToLive Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    It's all about John. Nothing else.

    John is upset because Paul has told everyone at One Center Court that they are not to have contact with him. And this is what happens when you take it to him.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  3. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    It's not so much that I mind Canzy pointing out the problems with the Blazers and Paul Allen. I think all of us know them, have suffered through them and agree with a lot of Canzy's gripes. But rehashing everything one more fucking time because the Knicks hired Phil Jackson?!?

    Seriously, I don't see what Phil is going to do for the Knicks. Also I think Phil would have been a disaster as the Blazers team president. In the majority of organizations the GM deals with players and rosters moves and the President handles the arena, ticket sales and sponsorships. I just don't see Phil Jackson being that excited doing it for the Knicks and I know he wouldn't be doing it for the Blazers. Phil Jackson as GM? I've seen Olshey build a pretty good team for the Clippers, and he's doing a good job here in Portland. Phil's a hell of coach, doesn't mean he would be a hell of a GM.

    Canzano's entire premise that the Blazers now better do something good before the Knicks do doesn't really hold water. Just an excuse to take shots once again at Paul Allen and the organization.
  4. PapaG

    PapaG Banned User BANNED

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    There is no way Paul Allen would pay the $12m it would have taken Jackson to come run the team. I'd pay him $10m to coach, but I wouldn't pay him $12m/year to do a job he's never done before. He's almost 70 years-old. Just a bizarre hire.
  5. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    The Knicks can throw around money like that. Phil Jackson is just frosting on a shit cake that is the Knicks season.
  6. OneLifeToLive

    OneLifeToLive Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    I think Allen did the right thing in hiring these two rather than Jackson.

    However, if he has any ounce of say in player personal matters. I would rather he didn't. No offense Paul
  7. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    I want PA to have a say. I want him to say, "Yes Neil, here's the checkbook. Salary cap be damned, we're going after a championship!"
  8. OneLifeToLive

    OneLifeToLive Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Well, alright then...
  9. HomerLovesKoolAid

    HomerLovesKoolAid I have a well-known member.

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yep, bring back the reckless spending. Is he going to run out of money?
  10. OneLifeToLive

    OneLifeToLive Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    What John is forgetting and I'm not sure why he is because he has interviewed this gentlemen several times in the last few months is Paul has hired a Management firm to pick and select the management for his franchises. And so far they have payed huge dividends for him. The choices have had less to do with Paul. I do agree that Paul needs to get out of the way and he can learn from his success with the Seahaws.
  11. TBpup

    TBpup Writing Team

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    Who is John Canzano? ~Damian Lillard

  12. bodyman5000 and 1

    bodyman5000 and 1 Lions, Tigers, Me, Bears

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    How about saying the whole article was ridiculous and letting it go at that....fuck it I can't either. That garbage read like any one of the hundreds of Iphone vs android "articles" yahoo pukes onto the internet daily. Just plain garbage.
  13. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

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    What confuses me is how Phil Jackson, as President, would have made better basketball decisions.

    Considering that's not what a President does.

    And Phil has shown he can coach odd collections of talent (around a superstar or two), not that he knows how to collect said talent or that he understands how the salary cap works.

    But any chance that Canzano can mixum it up...
  14. The_Lillard_King

    The_Lillard_King Westside

    Sep 15, 2008
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    If Phil can somehow convince Lebron to go to the Knicks, he will be worth the price. But I agree with SPD, what this has to do with the Blazers I have no idea.
  15. cmeese47

    cmeese47 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    No but the team will, all that happened last time was OAC went bankrupt, Paul Allen tried to get out of paying his creditors and then the shell company he set up to run the Rose Garden closed forever. Paul is not willing to risk his personal fortune on the success of the team he likes being an owner but ultimately he is selfish.

    Canzano has a right to be bitter about the way Allen and the Blazers organization has interacted with the Oregonian over the years.

    Allen making personal decisions for the team is bad for the Blazers.
  16. cmeese47

    cmeese47 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Its simple Canzano is suggesting if Allen was serious about bringing a title to Portland than stepping back and hiring a man who has 13 NBA Championship rings might be a good start. He is implying that had Allen been willing to relinquish some control they could have signed Jackson a couple years ago.

    Jackson as a GM is still an unknown yet his signing is very significant for the Knicks and the NBA, it would also shown that Portland was a big time destination and that Allen was really doing everything he could to bring a ring to Portland.
  17. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

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    Any and everything the Knicks "do" creates interest. So, until they actually prove that they're turning the corner, this is another case of people finding reasons to bitch about the Blazers management. In this case, Canzano.

    It's the same story as how the Twolves are doing things to move past Portland, every year, but never do. Or how Golden State hired Jerry West and fans were pissed that Portland didn't. So far, that hire hasn't lead the Warriors any closer to being a legit title contender than anything Portland has done in the same time frame.
  18. cmeese47

    cmeese47 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    The Warriors got out of the first round so that right there leaves them closer to a title than Portland has been since 2000.
  19. lawai'a

    lawai'a Well-Known Member

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  20. maxiep

    maxiep RIP Dr. Jack

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    Sly, please stop reposting troll posts. If I wanted to read a troll venting, I'd head over to BBF and read Rudy's posts.

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