I doubt impeachment is an actual option..have to have the senate and what not...but I can see this being challenged in the courts
Whatever happened to that lawsuit that Boehner was going to file for failure to enforce Obamacare deadlines?
depending on what he does, it most likely will not be. The problem is when "The Party" matters more than the Nation, the press and the Dems will give him a pass, and vilify those that oppose his egotistical over reach.
That isn't an answer to his question. The actual answer is that Boehner didn't bother filing it. The lawsuit SCOTUS will consider is a different one. barfo
man..so disappointing. The same system that declared it to be okay, is not going to change the ruling. These guys are all in lockstep.
Ahh, interesting... I had not heard about that. Should make for some interesting theater, but I do think it is a waste of money.
SCOTUS often bundles multiple similar cases together or only takes one. I don't know that Boehner was going to file any case about Obama's immigration policy. How could he sue the president for doing something he hadn't done yet? It was something related to ObamCare, and ongoing. http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/18/politics/boehner-hires-third-lawyer-to-sue-obama/index.html
Sure. The sun also rises in the east, but that's not what we are talking about here. Also, the sun sets in the west. Congratulations, you've reminded yourself of what we are talking about. And it only took you till the end of your otherwise unresponsive post barfo
I guess this answers the question of what he will present. http://www.foxnews.com/us/interactive/2014/11/20/white-house-fact-sheet-on-obama-immigration-plan/ The right will hate this, the left will hail obama as a hero..as will the press. The best part is he gets to keep laying off blame on congress. Even if they do stop him, they look like the bad guys. If they dont try, they will still get the heat for not passing something more comprehensive. A great smoke and mirrors show. could be the best thing the GOP could do is to address birthright citizenship issues. The only to developed nations in the world that allow you to illegally cross a border and pop out a kid that instantly becomes a citizen is the USA and Canada. https://www.numbersusa.com/content/.../nations-granting-birthright-citizenship.html
I disagree, I think the media will bash him. Insert Hilary Clinton to the rescue who will claim the order was too soon and too extreme and that if we are to do it, do it right. Result? 8 fucking years of Hilary Clinton because the average American voter IS a dumbass.
Whose fault is it that congress hasn't passed any immigration legislation yet? Not starting shit, serious question. I just finished listening to his speech, his proposals seem reasonable. I think it's funny that the drug dealer held up in that Portland church wouldn't be able to stay under these new rules.