Raw Results 12/15/14

Discussion in 'Pro Wrestling' started by truebluefan, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. truebluefan

    truebluefan Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Pre-Raw Commercial

    WWE week on USA! Raw Is Jericho tonight!

    Raw Starts

    In Ring Segment

    Jericho’s music and he’s out in very faded black/gray jeans, a maroon deep V, a black vest, a deep red leather jacket, and a black scarf with white and red skulls. On his way to the ring, with his huge grin, Jericho hugs a boy with Down Syndrome before getting in the ring.

    Video of Jericho’s Slammy win last week, and the dive that won it for him.


    Jericho – Welcome to Raw Is Jericho! I can’t think of a better place than Detroit Rock City! I can feel the energy tonight. It’s perfect because Y2J is the Special Guest GM on Raw. Tonight I’m going to make this show about you, every Jericholic here and at home! As you can see, because of all of you, I won a Slammy for Extreme Moment of the Year for jumping off a cage. I thank you for voting for me!


    Jericho – I could stand here all night listening to that, but I’d get in trouble. I couldn’t make it to Raw last week, but Fandango accepted for me. (heat) That’s what I thought! I was sitting there, and I thought, I’ll be damned if I’ll let some tangoing troll, some waltzing weirdo, some herdy-gerdy horse’s ass accept my award for a Slammy! (pop) So, that’s why I demand, as the GM of Raw, that Fandumbo, Fan-asshole (he got bleeped for that), Fandumbat, Fandingo, Fan-Dodge-Durango, Fan-Wango-Tango, Fan-I-see-a-little-silhouette-o-of-a-man-scotta-moosh-scotta-moosh-can-we-do-the-Fandango! Fandango! I demand that the man come out and give Y2J my Slammy. Get out here Fandunghole!

    Jericho waits, but then it’s Heyman!

    Heyman – Ladies and gentlemen, my name (monster heat). Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and truth be told, confession on the table, I’m a Jerichoholic! Which is why I’m so used, when they say truth to power, I’m the power that people speak with, however, tonight Paul Heyman’s not in power, because tonight, Raw Is Jericho! If I may? I kind of find that ironic, because one would think if you’re going to have a Special Guest GM on Raw, wouldn’t you want the man with the best tack record of running exciting promotions in that job? No disrespect Mr. Jericho, wouldn’t you put Paul Heyman in charge of Raw? Now, I know that you just accepted the offer, and it was a high dollar offer, and you’re in demand, but I do have a beef with you, sir. For you to win the Extreme Moment of the Year, I’m sure you campaigned on Social Media for it, and I’m all about self-promotion myself, but come on Mr. Jericho, if anyone should accept a Slammy for anything about the word extreme.

    Heyman smiles and throws his arms wide. The fans start the obligatory and well deserved “ECW!” chants.

    Heyman – I admit Mr. Jericho, I’m not the (shaking his jowls while putting on a strange voice) Ayatollah of Rock & Rolla. How do you do that without getting dizzy?

    Read more http://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/wwe-raw-open-thread-detroit-live-results-discussion/

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