Since the original Rate My Signature thread was being abused by users posting signatures with other site's logos on them as an attempt to get users to go to that site, we have decided to delete the old one and start a new one. Here is a friendly reminder of the rules for this thread: 1. No posting of signatures with other sites logos on them(It is considered spam according to our guidelines). 2. Please rate the person's signature above you with a rating (1-10) 3. If you get a low rating, don't take it personally as everyone has different tastes. 4. Our signature guidelines for graphics allow a user to have one graphic with a maximum size of 468x100 pixels. If you are found having graphics that exceed that limit, your's will be deleted and your graphics priveledges revoked. Thanks!
N4sheed: Can't see the 'West' text, but other than that, it's good. 9.5/10 Rate: EDIT: Where can I get nice borders?
Ming637: TO sig 8/10 MJ sig 8.5/10 Has been rated before but still looking for some different opinions rates on mine?
Ming637: Terrell: 7/10, Make the Logo less visible and place the text better. Jordan: 7/10, Same thing. Truth: 7.5/10.
B-22: that's a sick sig. good job who ever made that. 9/10 STKF: logo is too visible... not really sure what to say else. 7.5/10 I think you gotta still work on that one
B-22: Dime. No complaints. STKF: 7.5/10, not liking it for some reason just dont know why. TNG: 8/10. New Set For Me.
I like this one......8.5/10 but I think you should try some different things as a the way everybody Ed! made my sig
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting B-22:</div><div class="quote_post">I like this one......8.5/10 but I think you should try some different things as a the way everybody Ed! made my sig</div> Ed! is good @ sigs Rate My Favorite Sig!