Booing your own team?

Discussion in 'Football Discussion' started by reven, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. reven

    reven DYC Squad Backup player

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I haven't been on the forum much over the last couple of days because I've been fiercely arguing on a brentford forum about fans who insist on booing the team and manager.

    The situation at Brentford is the manager, Leroy Rosenior, who was appointed in the summer, is clearly out of his depth at Brentford and is unable to motivate the players whose confidence is at an all time low and we haven't won for 15 matches

    Last weekend, when we lost 1-0 to a poor Doncaster side in the FA Cup the players got slagged off by the fans, who were calling for the resignation of Leroy, so much so that he had tp be escorted off the pitch by two stewards.

    Firstly I think the fact he had to be escorted off is a disgrace. Whilst he's not a very good manager he's trying his best and it's not his fault that the board appointed the wrong person. Obviously the fans are entitled to their opinions but I think they over stepped the mark along way.

    Secondly I think it's rarely right for fans to slag off players on the pitch. Although a few weren't giving 100%, all of them were short of confidence and towards the end it was clear some players didn't want the ball just because they didn't to draw attention to themselves.

    I'm telling everyone I talk to look at the West Ham fans when they played Blackburn and Arsenal and IMO it was the fans who won them the game. At Brentford the supporters are just making it worse, I think they should make their feelings known about the manager after the match rather than during the 90 minutes.

    What would you do if your club had a poor manager and the players weren't motivated?
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Global *********

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Results are not always the managers fault. He can only do so much until before the game then its up to the players when they cross the white line. The players must take reponsibility for their performance but its always left to the manager to explain why. Personally i think booing can be good for a team after bad results. The fans have a right to express opinions, after all they are paying for the pleasure to watch the team. The boos could give the team a bit of a kick in the ass for the next game so its not always a bad think!
  3. SoilBorn

    SoilBorn DYC Mr. Rock 'n' Roll

    Nov 3, 2006
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    I think in circumstances where the team play so awfully against far-inferior opponents or play so badly against rivals, it's fair enough for fans to boo the players. Same with poor managerial decisions and tactics.

    It's the fans right. They pay the ticket prices to come and watch their team, they buy the merchandise. Essentially it's their money running around on the pitch, and they have a right to criticise as they see fit.

    But booing your team if they're not expected to get anything from a result or to boo your team even if they put up a good fight against a superior team, that's wrong.

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