GT: Playoffs 2007 - 1st Round - Rockets vs. Jazz G5

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by tracymcgrady_01, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. tracymcgrady_01

    tracymcgrady_01 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I hope we can win this game, because if we don't our season is over, JVG will be fired, T-Mac will be out of the first round YET AGAIN and I will be so pissed that I will shoot myself in the head. T-Mac with his f-ing inspector jacket ass needs to complain to the refs for his fouls but more importantly take over the game, I dont care how he does it, I just want a win, its a must win, I think we need every player who plays to score 10 points with the exception of mutumbo, to guarantee a win. Too bad we keep giving it to Yao, and he ONLY has 8 attempts.. Freakin TO's keep racking up because he's hesitant to shoot even if it is a double team, I would rather have him shoot the ball than pass out of a crowd, anyway T-Mac must score 30 with a good percentage yao has to have 25-30 and howard/head have to have 20-25 combined for us to win, INCLUDING SOME 3 pts made by Rafer and Shane at big times incase the game is close. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, OUR DEFENSE NEEDS TO SHOW, AND OUR HUSTLE TO GET THE LOOSE BALL, AND REBOUND! REBOUND! REBOUND! Period.
  2. ownage

    ownage JBB JustBBall Member

    May 30, 2005
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    A must win.
  3. Blurr#7

    Blurr#7 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    JVG has got some work to do.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Blurr#7 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">JVG has got some work to do.</div>
    Yes indeed. Jerry Sloan has made the proper defensive adjustments on Yao & Tmac. Derek Fisher has done a great job guarding Tmac and Okur has givin Yao problems. I read the paper the other day and was baffled by JVG's words. He apparently didn't think we needed to change anything on offense and said the answer is to "feed Yao better" [​IMG]

    I'd like to see us move the ball and have more cutting. The absence of Bonzi is killing us right now, so Luther's gotta magically make himself into penetrator. I've been disappointed in the lack of adjustments JVG has made.
  5. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    If the Rockets lose this series, I will continue watching the NBA.

    I probably wont come on this forum for a few weeks, because it will look ugly.
  6. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    We fly high.
    No lie.
    You know dis.

  7. umair

    umair "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

    Dec 19, 2005
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    If we dont win this game, we'll lose this series.
  8. Pakman

    Pakman JBB ITS ON ME!!!

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I dont understand how Fisher manages to play D on Tmac. Tmac is 6'8 .. Fisher is like 6'1.

    I honestly think Tmac is WEAK - When they play ... it seems like Fisher is stronger than Tmac.
  9. Marbire

    Marbire JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I always get angry when Sloan puts Fisher on Tmac. He's way too short and Tmac rises up and shoots over him everytime. Although..... in our past 2 wins, Fisher has been playing quite well on him. Fisher definitely is stronger though, that little guy is made of steel.
  10. Pakman

    Pakman JBB ITS ON ME!!!

    Aug 8, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Marbire Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I always get angry when Sloan puts Fisher on Tmac. He's way too short and Tmac rises up and shoots over him everytime. Although..... in our past 2 wins, Fisher has been playing quite well on him. Fisher definitely is stronger though, that little guy is made of steel.</div>

    I dont know about stronger ... or T-Mac not being physical and going at Fisher. But Fisher is definitely muscular.
  11. Blurr#7

    Blurr#7 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Pakman Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I dont understand how Fisher manages to play D on Tmac. Tmac is 6'8 .. Fisher is like 6'1.

    I honestly think Tmac is WEAK - When they play ... it seems like Fisher is stronger than Tmac.</div>

    Tracy is making Fisher look like a first team defender, Tracy is shooting way too many jumpers and JVG for some reason doesn't pull him aside and MAKE him drive the ball. But the hard fact is we don't have players who can create on their own, and Rafer may be able to get to the bsket but can't finish. Offensivelly we are very inept and that's on JVG.<font size=""4""><font face=""Arial Black""> It is an embarassment not to know how to run a two on one break.</font></font>
  12. Mag

    Mag JBB MacBeth

    May 3, 2004
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    Superstars are made in the playoffs. It's when you step it up and will your team to victory that makes you more than an All-Star. It's where legends are born. What made Hakeem so great is that he made the playoffs his stage. He made the MVP look like an absolute fool. What made Shaq so great is that he'd foul out Okur in 15 minutes and score 35 on anyone else that challenged him. What makes Kobe great is that he wouldn't let someone 7 inches shorter frustrate his game. Our stars need to play like stars.

    We ESCAPED Games 1 and 2 with terrible play. We all thought it would be a sweep because our team would realize how to play. But no, they got arrogant, complacent, thought they would figure themselves out. And that's not just the players. Jeff Van Gundy has to realize what's not working is not working. The defensive assignments he's playing on are terrible.

    Put T-Mac on Williams, put Rafer on Fisher. I'd much rather Fisher take the shots Williams has been taking. Someone remind T-Mac what this is all about. We've broke even, that's expected. Just the way we've been playing has been abysmal. The focus of this game should be working out our adjustments and learning how to get Yao back into a good position. Yao needs to have the ball up high, he still is able to shoot the ball. Stop dribbling it in and flipping up a layup. Shoot the ball, and if you're gonna bring it in, don't sell yourself short by being soft.

    This team is lacking heart big time, I expect a performance better than any we've seen the Rockets have this season. We'd better find our defense fast, and we better learn how to play Rocket basketball: Where we dictate tempo. An 8-man rotation works well when you have 3 bench players that prove their worth. Howard and Head have not done that. Shane Battier plays 10 times the normal level in the regular season, with all of his effort. But when, in the playoffs, everyone elevates their game he's non existent. And for the love of God, play Vassilis Spanoulis before John Lucas. The man plays with his heart on the line and will dive for every ball he possibly can, he'll draw contact and play physical. This entire series has been physical. He should have had time with Yao and Mac. . but if we're gonna suit up John Lucas to guard Deron Williams, then at least try Spanoulis.

    Let's find that balance of offense-defense. Let's start playing Rocket basketball, where we FIND A WAY to win. I want a 20 point+ whipping, let's finish this in Utah.
  13. umair

    umair "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

    Dec 19, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Blurr#7 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"><font size=""4""><font face=""Arial Black""> It is an embarassment not to know how to run a two on one break.</font></font></div>

    Blame Luther Head. Also known as Mr. Pansy!
  14. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Bob Sura is the answer!
  15. DaRocket

    DaRocket JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Superstars are made in the playoffs. It's when you step it up and will your team to victory that makes you more than an All-Star. It's where legends are born. What made Hakeem so great is that he made the playoffs his stage. He made the MVP look like an absolute fool. What made Shaq so great is that he'd foul out Okur in 15 minutes and score 35 on anyone else that challenged him. What makes Kobe great is that he wouldn't let someone 7 inches shorter frustrate his game. Our stars need to play like stars. </div>

    Unfortunately Yao is not Olajuwon, T-Mac is not Drexler (nor even Vernom Maxwell...), Battier is not Elie, Hayes is not Thorpe or Horry, and Alston is not Kenny Smith or Sam Cassell. None of our actual players have half of the heart Rockets had when we won the titles. Clutch City is no more even if we beat Utah 4-2. We have to face this fact.
  16. ownage

    ownage JBB JustBBall Member

    May 30, 2005
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    ^^ to all those Fisher posts...

    Tmac said a few games ago, i think it was after the game where he shot 9-29(during an interview): coach hasnt said anything to me, so ill keep on shooting...

    And since he is still shooting, I dont think JVG has said anything to Tmac about those horrible shot selections.
  17. Blurr#7

    Blurr#7 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Umair Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Blame Luther Head. Also known as Mr. Pansy!</div>

    I do but I can't put it all on him, especially when JVG's system has turned him into a "3 point Specialist". What happened to "basketball players"?Guys who had a good all around game? Now it's either a three or a dunk. The midrange jumper is dead!! I tell you from experience, I can't remember how many times during league play or a pick up game I would run the break and instead of filling the lane like you're supposed to, guys would run to the three point line and wait for the pass. This is what I see from the Rockets, they trully don't know what to do on offense. And obiously JVG is shooting darts playing JL3.
  18. Mag

    Mag JBB MacBeth

    May 3, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">DaRocket Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Unfortunately Yao is not Olajuwon, T-Mac is not Drexler (nor even Vernom Maxwell...), Battier is not Elie, Hayes is not Thorpe or Horry, and Alston is not Kenny Smith or Sam Cassell. None of our actual players have half of the heart Rockets had when we won the titles. Clutch City is no more even if we beat Utah 4-2. We have to face this fact.</div>

    Nor did I say they were, I was just pointing out comparisons people have made, including sports writers, pundits, and posters on this board. I do agree with your heart statement, but Clutch City never dies.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Blurr#7 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I do but I can't put it all on him, especially when JVG's system has turned him into a "3 point Specialist". What happened to "basketball players"?Guys who had a good all around game? Now it's either a three or a dunk. The midrange jumper is dead!! I tell you from experience, I can't remember how many times during league play or a pick up game I would run the break and instead of filling the lane like you're supposed to, guys would run to the three point line and wait for the pass. This is what I see from the Rockets, they trully don't know what to do on offense. And obiously JVG is shooting darts playing JL3.</div>
    I couldn't agree more with this man..............
  20. tracymcgrady_01

    tracymcgrady_01 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    These idiot Bulls fans dont no jack about Basketball.. Arent we arguably the best defensive team in the nba? if so, does it matter how the bulls play? The only team that gives us problems if PHX and they certainly don't play like PHX, and when I try to tell them how they will guard T-Mac and what a good job Shane can do on Deng, they keep saying they dont play 1 on 1 basketball.. So I was like w/e, I dont even watch the bulls play but I was just seeing what people thought a series between us and the bulls would be like, and I questioned one of the bulls fans' responses cuz he said the Bulls would be better or something like that, I forgot but, Man these bulls fans are so hyper now that they just swept a team..

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