It's Time to Trade Iverson

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by Shapecity, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">PHILADELPHIA - He would never do it. That's what everyone assumes when it comes to Billy King and the one move he could make to turn the Sixers into something more than what they are now - a possible playoff team. There's one card King has left, but no one around him believes he'll play it.

    If the Sixers' victory in Washington on Saturday - a game they won without Allen Iverson and Chris Webber - didn't persuade King to think hard about this franchise's future, maybe tonight's game against Boston will. Should the Sixers win tonight in a similar fashion, should they rise to one game of the Atlantic Division lead without Iverson and his sprained thumbs, King should start considering the one course of action for 2005-06 that he won't dare discuss publicly.

    He should trade Iverson this offseason.

    "We've got a four-game winning streak going," King, the Sixers' president and general manager, said Monday. "Why would you want to bring up any negativity?"

    Why? Because improving the Sixers' chances of winning an NBA title is presumably King's primary goal, and the team's current situation, is positive only in the shortest of terms. This winning streak has succeeded only in pushing the Sixers to seventh place in the Eastern Conference. If they remain there at season's end, an early playoff exit at the hands of the defending NBA champions, the Detroit Pistons, surely awaits them.

    Then what? Under the status quo, the Sixers still will be trying to the solve the square-peg, round-hole puzzle of building a championship-caliber team around a 5-10 guard who takes more than 24 shots a game and makes less than 10. Only this time, Iverson will be 30, and the term aging superstar will fit him far better than his favorite pair of baggy jeans ever did.

    The warnings against trading Iverson have stayed the same for some time: He's all the Sixers have, he's the reason fans pay to watch them, and besides, the Sixers will never receive full value in exchange for him. Those arguments held up better years ago, when Iverson and Larry Brown were leading a pro basketball renaissance here. But now, even with Iverson, the Sixers are hovering around .500, and the Wachovia Center has never seemed so cavernous. Whatever allure Iverson once had to pull fans into his home arena has faded. His novelty here is gone now, and if he were to be traded, there would be no wreckage left in his wake, as there was when Charles Barkley left - at least nothing worse than what is here now.</div>


    I don't agree with trading Iverson. The Sixers have a nice mix of old and young talent and are closer to being a title contender than becoming a team forced to rebuild. The 76ers won't get fair trade value for Iverson at this point in his career. Superstars are a rare commodity in the league, especially ones with the talent and will to win that Iverson has.
  2. Heat4Life

    Heat4Life JBB JustBBall Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting shapecity:</div><div class="quote_post"> Source

    I don't agree with trading Iverson. The Sixers have a nice mix of old and young talent and are closer to being a title contender than becoming a team forced to rebuild.</div>You think they're closer to a title despite struggling to make the playoffs? Usually teams that keep missing the playoffs need to rebuild or restructure.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting shapecity:</div><div class="quote_post">The 76ers won't get fair trade value for Iverson at this point in his career. Superstars are a rare commodity in the league, especially ones with the talent and will to win that Iverson has.</div>The guy isn't exactly a coach's dream or a team player. He barely practices and could never play in a team where he has to defer to others. Also, look at the effect that Iverson had on a superstar in Chris Webber. It's just sad to see that a superstar can be reduced to such mediocrity under Iverson's Sixers.

    Do you really think that players actually look forward to being on Iverson's team, especially when:
    - they see how Chris Webber is struggling as Iverson's teammate
    - all his ex-teammates do is talk about how happy they are to be leaving a team that is just one guy dominating the ball
    - he can never defer to his teammates and forces them to defer to him

    You say he has too much value that they won't get equal in return but, how has this value translated into winning and making his teammates better?

    AI should've been traded years ago when he actually had more value and GMs didn't see how bad the Iverson effect has on a team, coaches, and players.
  3. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Heat4Life:</div><div class="quote_post">You think they're closer to a title despite struggling to make the playoffs? Usually teams that keep missing the playoffs need to rebuild or restructure.

    The guy isn't exactly a coach's dream or a team player. He barely practices and could never play in a team where he has to defer to others. Also, look at the effect that Iverson had on a superstar in Chris Webber. It's just sad to see that a superstar can be reduced to such mediocrity under Iverson's Sixers.

    Do you really think that players actually look forward to being on Iverson's team, especially when:
    - they see how Chris Webber is struggling as Iverson's teammate
    - all his ex-teammates do is talk about how happy they are to be leaving a team that is just one guy dominating the ball
    - he can never defer to his teammates and forces them to defer to him

    You say he has too much value that they won't get equal in return but, how his this value translated into winning and making his teammates better?

    AI should've been traded years ago when he actually had more value and GMs didn't see how bad the Iverson effect has on a team, coaches, and players.</div>

    As I was mistaken, you are also mistaken. The 76ers are playing much better with Chris Webber on the squad. Chris Webber has been struggling because O'Brien didn't adjust to him right away. He's since put Webber in a position where he is effective, and the only reason Webber has been struggling was because of nagging injuries.

    I said they are closer to a title than having to rebuild. A year of Iverson and Webber together, including a year more experience for Iguodala, Korver, and Dalembert (assuming he's resigned). That's a solid starting 5 for the 76ers, plus they have a decent bench.

    I think they are getting cap relief for Mashburn and Todd McCullough in the summer because of they are retiring because of health. They also have some expiring contracts they can trade and I think they still have their MLE.

    Why should he have been traded years ago?

    3 out of the last 4 seasons (not including this one) the 76ers have been well above .500 and in the playoffs.

    2003-04 .402 (Iverson only played 48 games)
    2002-03 .585 Playoffs lost in SemiFinals
    2001-02 .524 Playoffs lost in RND 1
    2000-01 .684 NBA Finals

    Find me proof players don't want to play with Iverson. Otherwise that's just your opinion and not a fact.
  4. Apollo

    Apollo JBB Into The Fire

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Iverson should not be traded. Plain and simple... [​IMG]
  5. ronin

    ronin JBB JustBBall Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    i really think iverson and webber can't play together. Both of them are sort of like the playmaker, all the set plays come through them. Iverson needs teammates that can finish well or open spaces for themselves like korver, iguodala, dalembert. But webber is not that type of player.. He is not known as a good shooter or a good finisher..
    On the other hand webber needs PG like bibby who can colaborate well with him. Honestly, i think webber was the king's playmaker, not bibby.
    So if sixers want to success, i think they should trade whether iverson or webber. If they want to build the team around iverson then webber is not a good choice, and if they want to build the team around webber then they should trade iverson. Actually if only sixers opted to have stojakovic instead of webber, they will probably have lots of weapons to make the playoff.
  6. Dizzyfool

    Dizzyfool JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Why would Iverson be traded? Thats ridiculous.
  7. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting whatever:</div><div class="quote_post">i really think iverson and webber can't play together. Both of them are sort of like the playmaker, all the set plays come through them. Iverson needs teammates that can finish well or open spaces for themselves like korver, iguodala, dalembert. But webber is not that type of player.. He is not known as a good shooter or a good finisher..
    On the other hand webber needs PG like bibby who can colaborate well with him. Honestly, i think webber was the king's playmaker, not bibby.
    So if sixers want to success, i think they should trade whether iverson or webber. If they want to build the team around iverson then webber is not a good choice, and if they want to build the team around webber then they should trade iverson. Actually if only sixers opted to have stojakovic instead of webber, they will probably have lots of weapons to make the playoff.</div>
    if the sixers got peja, they would have a scorer, but no rebounding threat. they would be like the mavs, only worse. but anyway, we need to trade webber. he isn't a good fit with AI. actually, i don't think that anyone is a good fit for AI. Why? let me tell you why. AI simply is the biggest ball hogs ever to play the game. he trys to do too much by himself and takes too many shots. i'm telling you. a lot of the games we lost was probablly because of AI since he doesn't pass the ball a lot. i think we should trade him to ALT for josh childress and al harrington, and maybe get a second rounder. or we could trade him to pheonix and get joe johnson and Q-Rich. AI would switch to sg instead of pg. i just think that AI has to go. if he doesn't, webber needs to go.
  8. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    No, Allen Iverson should not be traded that's all I've got to say.
  9. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Silky Smooth:</div><div class="quote_post">No, Allen Iverson should not be traded that's all I've got to say.</div>
    then trade c-webb. i think it's one or the other.
  10. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">i think we should trade him to ALT for josh childress and al harrington, and maybe get a second rounder. or we could trade him to pheonix and get joe johnson and Q-Rich. AI would switch to sg instead of pg. i just think that AI has to go. if he doesn't, webber needs to go</div>
    None of those trades are happening. Childress will probably be a great player for Atlanta some day so I'm guessing they are going to want to hang on to him. And without Childress in the deal, we wouldn't be getting Harrington since the contracts don't exactly add up do they. As for the Phoenix deal, Johnson and Richardson have been a big part of why Phoenix is doing so well right now. So it just doesn't make sense for them to pull the trigger.
    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">The guy isn't exactly a coach's dream or a team player. He barely practices and could never play in a team where he has to defer to others. Also, look at the effect that Iverson had on a superstar in Chris Webber. It's just sad to see that a superstar can be reduced to such mediocrity under Iverson's Sixers.

    Do you really think that players actually look forward to being on Iverson's team, especially when:
    - they see how Chris Webber is struggling as Iverson's teammate
    - all his ex-teammates do is talk about how happy they are to be leaving a team that is just one guy dominating the ball
    - he can never defer to his teammates and forces them to defer to him

    You say he has too much value that they won't get equal in return but, how has this value translated into winning and making his teammates better?</div>
    That was all last year when he was injured a lot and had to play under Ford, who he didn't really respect all that much. Now, he's probably the hardest working player on this team and seems to really want his team to win. I mean, he's averaging about two more assists than last year and looks like he's actively trying to get teammates involved. The reason why Chris Webber is playing so poorly is because of his injuries, O'Brien's messed up system, and team chemistry. His shoulder was injured last night, which obvious didn't help with his jumps shots and the first few games he played with Philadelphia, he didn't really know O'Brien's system.

    However, I have to agree with one thing the article says. That having Iverson here is pretty short term- success wise. Personally, I don't think he has much left in him, probably three years until his body can't keep up anymore. Right now he's I think 29, so I think he's going to be even more injury prone in that time span considering he has all those injuries before. And as he ages, I doubt he would be as effective since a lot of his shots are from drives- he might not be able to bang that hard down low anymore. Whats more is that we've got guys like Salmons and Green that have huge potential and skill right now but aren't being tapped into because Iverson's on the floor and O'Brien is way too stubborn. Thats why if we keep Iverson long term playing out his contract, I think we are going to loose a lot of depth and lost talent for the future.
  11. fatballer_10

    fatballer_10 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    You cannot trade a guy like Iverson. He is a superstar, a leader and the heart and soul of Philadelphia. This season he is putting up numbers better than the year he won league MVP. He is blending very well with the young guys, especially the younger A.I and when Webber and the team have a full preseason and learn each others game and know their role, there is no reason why Philly will not be contending for a championship next year.
  12. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Why trade C-Webb or AI? Webber only has maybe two or three seasons of good basketball still in him.
  13. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting fatballer_10:</div><div class="quote_post">You cannot trade a guy like Iverson. He is a superstar, a leader and the heart and soul of Philadelphia. This season he is putting up numbers better than the year he won league MVP. He is blending very well with the young guys, especially the younger A.I and when Webber and the team have a full preseason and learn each others game and know their role, there is no reason why Philly will not be contending for a championship next year.</div>

    well, that post made me more optimistic. thanx for bringing up my spirits. [​IMG]
  14. raptors4life

    raptors4life JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Any team who would trade AI is absolutely crazy. Of course, I bet every other team in the NBA would like to have him, but the truth is he belongs in Philly and he plays spectacular there.

    And besides, what if it turns out like the terrible Vince Carter trade where TO got practically nothing in return? [​IMG] Thats what happens when you trade star players.
  15. MaxBallin

    MaxBallin JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting raptors4life:</div><div class="quote_post">And besides, what if it turns out like the terrible Vince Carter trade where TO got practically nothing in return? [​IMG] Thats what happens when you trade star players.</div>
    Well, I trust that Billy King is nowhere near as stupid as Rob Babcock. However, I do feel that we should test the waters with both Iverson and Webber. With our young core, I would say that we should resign the youth and then trade for a young, potential superstar player for them to build around. Personally, I'm a fan of sending both Iverson and Webber to Orlando for Howard, bad contracts, and Orlando's first round draft pick. I think they might be interested in having a team with Iverson, Francis, Hill, and Webber in the starting line up. I would.
  16. MaStA_MiNdZ

    MaStA_MiNdZ JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting MaxBallin:</div><div class="quote_post">Well, I trust that Billy King is nowhere near as stupid as Rob Babcock.</div>

    even though i don't know much about king, being more stupid than Robbed Babcock is an impossibility.
  17. CeltixQueen

    CeltixQueen JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    [quote name='whatever']i really think iverson and webber can't play together.QUOTE]

    So true! This team is Allen's and C Webb doesn't seem to be fitting in with the mix, hes to good of a player to be playing like he is. I think they should trade him again and let A.I. take over again and run the show.. I personally think they would be much better with out Webber.
  18. Kidd~Factor

    Kidd~Factor JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    I Think if you guys trade Iverson, your team, would go DOWNHILL. he is Your TEAM. scoring 40 points a game. WOW. now, take those 40 points away each game, you wont have many points.
  19. raptors4life

    raptors4life JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting MaStA_MiNdZ:</div><div class="quote_post">even though i don't know much about king, being more stupid than Robbed Babcock is an impossibility.</div>

  20. Kidd~Factor

    Kidd~Factor JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    XD, What was that about? XD

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