Latest Information Regarding AI, possible trades, etc.

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by BigMo763, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Got this from somebody who truly does have a reliable source within the organization:<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>my buddy.....there is a new team in the iverson mix...its seattle.......and its Rashard lewis and Luke Ridnour. BK is considering it....some filler could be added.........Interesting that Seattle wants Ray Allen and AI together in that backcourt.I asked about other teams and Iverson.......he said Denver still looking for a three way. He said Boston is confident that BK will come back to them late summer finding no takers and deal with them...but that BK really considers that the last resort and would consider keeping AI over dealing him for below value to boston.I asked about the SAS article..pertaining to Clippers..he said..its bologna.Edin Bavcic can make the team with an impressive showing in summer league. So its 50/50 if he stays or goes. He also said they are looking at summer league standout Earl Barron. I dont know who he is....but one of you probably does.BK was really happy that Salmons picked Toronto...the exemption is larger and the 2nd round pick is higher.....I asked about Jared Jeffries and he said Jeffries is going back to Washington for a year and then will be unrestricted next year. There was interest.......but Jeffries wants more than the Marc Jackson exception money the Sixers moved on.I asked about non Iverson deals...and he said Korver and Hunter have been made available......didnt say who was interested..but its known that they is on the block.Said looking more likely that Dalembert gets another year to try and improve here......before being heavily shoppedHe also said that BK expects AI to repeat what he has been saying at the 4 pm news conference today.....that he wants to remain a sixer..but understands its a business...and only wants to be moved if it makes the sixers better.My buddy is out at 3 today for a weekend I wont be getting anything new til Monday most likely he said.</div>
  2. iversonfan268

    iversonfan268 BBW VIP

    Sep 2, 2005
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    Wait a minute. Are you saying you know somebody who can get info from the Sixers organization?
  3. nba dogmatist

    nba dogmatist BBW Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    very interesting stuff. I definitely believe it. The part with Boston seems very accurate, that is something Danny would do.
  4. CelticBalla32

    CelticBalla32 Basketball is back in Boston

    Feb 16, 2006
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    I don't know if all this is legit or not, but I would absolutely love for you to try and get me some Celtics inside info, even if it's from the Sixers brass and maybe they know who we are shopping/looking for.
  5. DRob-50-Forever

    DRob-50-Forever BBW Elite Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    If this is the case they Sixers should take the offer from Seatle.Ridnour/GreenIggy/KorverLewis/CarneyWebber/RandolphHunter/DalembertThat looks pretty nice.
  6. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (iversonfan268 @ Jul 14 2006, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Wait a minute. Are you saying you know somebody who can get info from the Sixers organization?</div>Yes... slowly but surely he can.I actually know two people that can get it, but they get flooded by questions so they don't answer each one every time as you can imagine.Also, this information is legit. These two sources accurately predicted the Webber trade four days before it happened (remember, nothing was leaked to the media about the trade until it happened at the deadline). They also informed us about the Marc Jackson trade 10 days before it occurred, and have been correct about a lot of other roster moves in the past.
  7. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Here, I'm just going to post in this thread if I get any more news...<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'> was a 5 minute conversation..but i think i got all the questions in.His only actual news was...that Phoenix still has interest in Ollie and Hunter for Kurt Thomas..but they are also exploring other free agent options like Chucky Atkins, re-signing Eddie House etc. They will get back to questions were:timeframe for an AI deal....No rush on an AI deal..and the preference is to send him to the Western Conference. BK really wants to deal AI out West so we only have to face him twice a year. ......if it takes all summer to find the right deal...thats fine..if it happens tomorrow..thats timeframe basically...just listening to what teams have to offer and trying to find the best deal for now and for the future.I asked about Foster....he is not hearing much other than what was in the paper.....he asked me back...what does Foster give you that Shav doesnt? I didnt have an answer at the I moved on to my next question.(but now I think.....more depth, was rushed conversation.....was just trying to fit everything in)I asked again about Jay Williams and he said its the same story its been all week.......gotta see first if AI is here.....and if he isnt..what we get back in the deal...gotta see if Ollie is around too. JWill wont sign here til he knows what his role will be. He is exploring all his options and in no hurry to commit anywhere.I asked about free agents.......and/or using the MLE..and he said BK cant go over the luxury tax threshold....and the trade market is where he is focused. Also said its a bad year for free agency anyway(we already knew that) I took that to mean we arent using the MLE.I said will we use the trade exceptions..he said probably not.all he knows about seattle offer is shard and new info there......said the filler could/would be on both sides of the deal......shard,luke,ai were the main players in the offer.....I asked if he is watching the AI press conference at 4..he said.....will be in the car...will catch the highlights of it later today.With that......he said adios and he will try and check in Monday sometime................................................he told me I bothered him enough this</div>
  8. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>First, his news:Houston has called the sixers about the availability of Kyle Korver. Houston desperately wants a shooter and considers Kyle one of the games best. They would like to move fast on a deal this week for a shooter..Kyle is on their short list of guys they have interest in to come in and be a spark plug off their bench. Damon Jones is keep an eye on this.....I wasnt told who we would get in return..but the way BK has been going....we better check to see if Houston has a trade seems to be more interested in resigning Eddie House or signing John Lucas than they are interested in our Ollie and Hunter for K.Thomas offer.BK told Seattle he would get back to them in a few days on their offer of Luke and Shard.Sixers are very impressed with the maturation of Lou Will. They seem to think he can work his way into the rotation this year off the bench.So far so good for the Steven Smith tryout....BK is impressed and wants to begin contract talks with Smith ASAP.BK continues to work the phones......but is getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of decent offers out there. He is starting to wonder if the team isnt better off going to training camp with AI still in the fold. I asked what that would mean about the Chris Ford-assistant coach hiring....he said he would try to find out more about that. This is the first I have heard of an Iverson deal not being definite this i find that interesting. I asked do you think BK is trying to make it look like he isnt so desperate to trade Iverson.........and is contemplating keeping that maybe the offers improve for him. He laughed and question.....I asked if there was anything new with the Clips and Iverson and he said......we wouldnt do a deal without Livingston..and they wouldnt trade Livingston......and thats all there is to it.I asked about JR Smith going to the Nugz and any impact it would have on us talking trade with Denver. He said.....Iverson was gonna play pt guard if he went there(because Andre Miller was part of any deal we get back) it really didnt impact the deal one way or the other. They could simply play Iverson at the 1 and Smith at the 2.......Denver is still in the mix.....and the team he hears most often.......but still nothing is close with any team regarding AI.Last question.....I who all is interested in AI...he said......teams that have had talks that havent dead ended yet are Seattle and Denver.......talks that have dead and laclips......I said what about Atlanta....he said their ownership cant agree on anything right they havent even talked with BK really. He also said..the other problem is..they have no pt guard to offer..and thats what we really want in any deal........that was the end.</div>
  9. coyn3burglar

    coyn3burglar BBW Elite Member

    May 17, 2006
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    This is a guy from realgm forums right? Thats where i read this guys updates.
  10. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (coyn3burglar @ Jul 18 2006, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>This is a guy from realgm forums right? Thats where i read this guys updates.</div>Yep... there used to be another guy that gave us information, but I don't know what happened to him...
  11. coyn3burglar

    coyn3burglar BBW Elite Member

    May 17, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>Sadly, the Sixers arent making much progress on...well anything. Sonics pending deal to Oklahoma City owners means....the whole Ivy to Seattle talk has been tabled. Korver's name is out there in a variety of trade ideas...with several teams....but nothing is close.(and no detail given). We absolutely dont want Kenyon Martin.......but remain interested in andre miller....and a potential three way where we get an expiring contract and/or a #1. The "we plan on Ivy being here this year" dialogue is a spin to get some teams interested in Iverson(ie..Sixers are trying to not look desperate to move him even though they want to) My buddy thinks Atlanta will eventually get back involved in AI discussions...but thats his own opinion and not something he got from BK,Di Leo etc. Suns consider Ollie their 4th option behind acquiring Marcus Banks, John Lucas, Eddie that looks not very likely. Buddy tells me right now is the deadest its been all offseason pertaining to AI deals. He hasnt heard anything about Haislip.......or Jeff Foster...... Jared jeffries will either take the 1 year deal in WSH or sign for the MLE with NY. We only had interest in Jefferies in a Korver or Hunter sign and trade. We will absolutely not spend the MLE on him. The front office thinks Carney can be as good as him anyway(at a much cheaper cost) We have approached Charlotte within the last week about Brevin Knight.......we have interest in him IF we cant get a pt guard in an AI trade or if we trade Ollie. we like him more than Jay Williams...who we would have to sign outright and spend money for. Nothing that was brought up in the AI interview on Friday was unexpected. They know he wants this resolved one way or the other.....they have no problem with him coming back this year and either does AI.......but they prefer to deal him and he knows that. He is out of town Thursday is the next time I should be able to get a hold of him.I almost forgot.......he says Salmons and Hunter were the guys AI mentioned about not liking them. And that no one on the team likes Dalemberts attitude.....not just AI. But when they are on the court.......they get along fine. I asked if there were others...he says..there could be...but those are the ones he knows of....</div>Thats the latest word from the inside source. Nothing new really.
  12. Something-To-Say

    Something-To-Say BBW Banned

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Doesn't like Hunter and Dalembert eh? Salmons is gone so don't worry there [​IMG] I knew the Suns weren't trading, and I almost guarantee they won't. D'Antoni doesn't really like Hunter a whole lot either haha.
  13. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Okay question what does this guy do who has the info? And how do you get in touch with him by e-mail? Or you actually know him?And also I like Lewis from Seattle, but not Ridnour.
  14. Big Smitty

    Big Smitty BBW Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    I'd absolutely love to see Brevin Knight in a Sixer uniform..a great passer/good defender in Knight would do wonders here.
  15. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Big Smitty @ Jul 19 2006, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>I'd absolutely love to see Brevin Knight in a Sixer uniform..a great passer/good defender in Knight would do wonders here.</div>I thought he is getting up there in age will be like 31, and is 5"10. I think we need guys who are not as old, but also not to young. Because to old would not help us get better, and to young we would lose a lot of close games like last season.
  16. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Iverson never liked Hunter... I mean, I remember Iverson told everybody he'd love to trade Hunter for a year's supply of breakfast burgers. :HAHAHA:
  17. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BigMo763 @ Jul 19 2006, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Iverson never liked Hunter... I mean, I remember Iverson told everybody he'd love to trade Hunter for a year's supply of breakfast burgers. :HAHAHA:</div> :HAHAHA: No he did not...............Did he really? I never heared him say that. When he say it?LOL, but that was funny.
  18. BigMo763

    BigMo763 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Serge @ Jul 19 2006, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>:HAHAHA: No he did not...............Did he really? I never heared him say that. When he say it?LOL, but that was funny.</div>Yeah he definitely said that...
  19. nba dogmatist

    nba dogmatist BBW Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Serge @ Jul 19 2006, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>:HAHAHA: No he did not...............Did he really? I never heared him say that. When he say it?LOL, but that was funny.</div>besides the point.. I LOVE that AI sig. Who made it?
  20. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BigMo763 @ Jul 19 2006, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Yeah he definitely said that...</div>WOW to the media I am shoked.<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (nba dogmatist @ Jul 20 2006, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>besides the point.. I LOVE that AI sig. Who made it?</div>Thank's <u>Nemesis</u> made it so props to him.

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