Well, just telling ya'll that this is my last day for a while. No its not because "BBW is getting in the way of life" or " I just cant take BBW anymore" or "My grades are suffering." I am merely leaving BBW for the summer because I'll be at a place where I'll have very limited internet access. You might see me here once or twice during the time, but it'll be real hard on my part to get on. I'll be here the rest of the day, and then I leave for my summer job tomorrow. Just wanted to let you guys know. :dribble:
That sucks that you will not be around for a while dude, your one of the better posters on this board. Hopefully when the summer is done, you will be able to come back and start posting again.
First thanks guys, but I dont want to make this a self apprecation thread. 2nd, let me explain the situation a little better. There are two main reasons why I wont be here. First, I'll be working at a summer camp as a counselor, so I'll be w/ kids all day and night. Not a whole lot of time that will be for personal stuff such as going on the computer or watching tv, movies, etc. 2nd, there are still places in the United States that still use dial up internet and I will be in one of those places all summer. I'll be in the mountains of West Texas where they still use Dial Up. Yeah, not sure how they do it, but they some how make it. So, I'll be done w/ the whole counselor job like 2nd week of August and when I do so, going to BBW on a regular basis will be on the list of things to do. :happy0144: Probably will have some pics as well.
Have fun at camp dude...I remember you did this last summer also...anyway, have a good time. I leave on Thursday for Scandinavia...I'm going to Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland (only for 2 hours), and Russia...It's gonna be fun as hell. I'm going with my mom, dad, and brother...I'll have internet connection in some hotels, but I obviously won't be that active because I'll be doing stuff...