To appear in the cumulative standings, you must have predicted at least two-thirds of the games for the time period in which the standings reflect. You must also have predicted in at least seven of the past ten games (unless 10 games have not yet been played for the season). February Standings: 1. GrandpaBlaze - Avg Rank 2.2; 4 games; Current = 10 2. BlazerBeachBum - Avg Rank 3.2; 4 games; Current = 10 3. e_blazer - Avg Rank 3.5; 4 games; Current = 8 4. riverman - Avg Rank 3.6; 3 games; Current = 8 5. FlyinSouth - Avg Rank 4.0; 4 games; Current = 10 6. * Community Average Prediction * - Avg Rank 4.5; 4 games; Current = 10 Full Season Standings: 1. GrandpaBlaze - Avg Rank 3.4; 49 games; Current = 10 2. FlyinSouth - Avg Rank 3.5; 37 games; Current = 10 3. * Community Average Prediction * - Avg Rank 3.8; 52 games; Current = 10 4. e_blazer - Avg Rank 4.1; 37 games; Current = 8 5. BlazerBeachBum - Avg Rank 4.3; 51 games; Current = 10 6. riverman - Avg Rank 4.9; 35 games; Current = 8 -- Full On Homer Standings -- in order to appear in this list - you must not have picked against the Blazers at any time during the season sorry homers - no prizes for being the top homer - just bragging rights 1. BlazerBeachBum - Avg Rank 4.3; 51 games ----- Starter Bench Predictions Standings: 1. FlyinSouth - Avg Rank 2.5; Avg Tot Diff 22.4; 37 games 2. GrandpaBlaze - Avg Rank 2.5; Avg Tot Diff 23.6; 49 games 3. e_blazer - Avg Rank 2.9; 37 games 4. riverman - Avg Rank 3.1; 35 games 5. SharpeScooterShooter - Avg Rank 3.3; 43 games 6. PtldPlatypus - Avg Rank 3.6; 40 games ----- Contribution Predictions Standings: 1. riverman - Avg Rank 2.5; 35 games 2. GrandpaBlaze - Avg Rank 2.7; 49 games 3. e_blazer - Avg Rank 2.9; Avg Pick Diff 9.1; 37 games 4. FlyinSouth - Avg Rank 2.9; Avg Pick Diff 11.3; 37 games 5. PtldPlatypus - Avg Rank 3.0; 40 games 6. SharpeScooterShooter - Avg Rank 3.5; 43 games Sponsored by the incomparable baking of crandc! Gramps...