Wizards Complain About Favorable Calls for LeBron

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Shapecity, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">WASHINGTON -- As far as the Washington Wizards are concerned, LeBron James' first NBA playoff game-winning shot came with an assist -- from the officials.

    And, Wizards coach Eddie Jordan said Saturday, what he thinks should have been a traveling call is part of a pattern of James getting protection from referees. He said that's the type of help Washington's own All-Star, Gilbert Arenas, isn't receiving in the first-round Eastern Conference series that Cleveland leads 2-1.

    "I'm not going to get fined for saying what's obvious. Everybody sees it," Jordan said after practice ahead of Sunday's Game 4 against the Cavaliers.

    "I want to give all the credit to Cleveland, [coach] Mike Brown and his staff and their players, but the truth is the truth. I want our players to understand that we did a lot of things to win the game, and because a travel wasn't called, you don't win the game."

    James finished off his franchise playoff-record 41-point performance Friday night by banking in a 4-footer with 5.7 seconds left after moving past Antonio Daniels and drawing contact from Michael Ruffin.

    That shot provided the final margin as Cleveland beat Washington 97-96 to reclaim home-court advantage in the best-of-seven series.

    "Officials are human, and they see a great move by a great player ... or they see a hop-through move that's a travel, and they say, 'That's a great move by a great player, and it's an exciting move. It's a great finish. We'll let it go.' That's how I look at it," Jordan said.

    "Clearly," he continued, "Gil doesn't get the calls that LeBron gets."

    Arenas, who missed an open 3-pointer after James' shot, said all he could think about after the game was what he felt James got away with.

    "You look at the game tape, you actually see the travel, and then he came down and then he threw the ball up," Arenas said. "That's how they've got to beat us. We feel we're not going to get beat straight up."

    Not surprisingly, James said he didn't take too many steps on the play. Asked about it Saturday, he analyzed what happened with the same matter-of-fact demeanor that's made him a superstar at the ripe old age of 21.

    "It was a basic up-and-under move ... all big men do in this league. Not too many guards or forwards. That's why a lot of people think I travel," James said.

    "I've not seen the play yet, but it doesn't come down to one play," he added. "The game is not won or lost on one play."

    Told of Jordan's comments about the officiating, Brown smiled and pulled out a stat sheet.

    Then the first-year coach began rattling off various comparisons, noting that Arenas and James have taken the same number of free throws in the series (35), that the Cavaliers have been whistled for nine more fouls than the Wizards, and that Washington has taken 20 more free throws so far.

    "Eddie's doing what he needs to do as a coach, by trying to draw attention to LeBron because of the success that LeBron has had so far," Brown said.

    Then he wondered aloud whether Ruffin should have been called for a foul on that key play.

    And he wondered whether Arenas got a favorable ruling when James was called for a blocking foul on the point guard's three-point play that put the hosts ahead 96-95 with 23.4 seconds left.

    "Sometimes you get calls, sometimes you don't," Brown said. "They're both great players." </div>

  2. playmaker15

    playmaker15 JBB Droppin Dimes

    May 26, 2005
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    I don't blame them for being pissed off, Lebron is the NBA's baby and they pick him over the integrity of the game.
  3. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    Very true. Kobe, Wade, anybody else who would've done that...it would've been called a travel...it's sickening.
  4. XSV

    XSV JBB The Virve Dynasty

    May 7, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">"I've not seen the play yet, but it doesn't come down to one play," he added. "The game is not won or lost on one play." </div>

    Are you a freaking idiot Lebron?! This game WAS decided by one play, and it was a play that you travelled on. I'm sick of Lebron getting every single call in favour of him. He's the NBA's choir-boy, and he's got Stern, Jackson and the officials in his back pocket.
  5. briang8818

    briang8818 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Yeah, he obviously paid off the officials and bought them candy before the game.

    After all the BS calls that went against the Cavs in that 4th quarter, one call that goes our way means the integrity of the game was comprimised. And I don't want to hear anything about Wade not being able to get a call like that. The NBA loves him as much as LeBron.

    But, hey, if everyone wants to make the MJ comparison, it's not a foul if the ref didn't call it. Did that Russell play cheapen the integtity of the game too?
  6. briang8818

    briang8818 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting virve119:</div><div class="quote_post">Are you a freaking idiot Lebron?! This game WAS decided by one play, and it was a play that you travelled on. I'm sick of Lebron getting every single call in favour of him. He's the NBA's choir-boy, and he's got Stern, Jackson and the officials in his back pocket.</div>Take a look at game 2 and tell me LeBron is protected. he was beaten all game long and didn't go to the line half as much as he should have.

    But judging by your sig, I can't expect you to remain unbiased.
  7. SP23

    SP23 DA BEARS!

    May 15, 2005
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    I also don't like how the refs call fouls for superstars. All the really big superstarts get all the calls and then roll players never get those kind of calls. They would actually score more and go inside if they got all those foul calls.

    But I did see that play and thought it was a travel.
  8. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    LeBron took a beating? This is playoff basketball, if you think he took a beating, then don't watch. Everybody with half of a brain knows that playoff basketball is tough, hard hitting, and a lot different from the regular season. That doesn't justify TWO TRAVELS though.
  9. phunDamentalz

    phunDamentalz JBB JustBBall Member

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Kobe got away with a charge against Steve Nash so who cares.
    Stuff happens in the playoffs.
    blaming officials is for babies.
    basketball and LeBron is the player of this whole generation.
    Everyone loves LeBron just accept it and move on.

    <font color="red">If you don't stop the baiting, I will

  10. Karma

    Karma The Will Must Be Stronger Than The Skill

    Nov 20, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Kobe got away with a charge against Steve Nash so who cares.
    Stuff happens in the playoffs.

    What kind of logic is that? Lebron's shot happened with FIVE SECONDS REMAINING, it was basically the game winner for the Cavs and he traveled like 2 times on the posession, are the referees blind? It's one thing to not call silly fouls during a game but it's another to openly ignore TWO TRAVELLING VIOLATIONS. I don't even know how anyone can DEFEND Lebron and say "stuff happens", what if that was YOUR team that got beaten by someone who travelled twice in during the game winning shot and didn't get called for it?

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Everyone loves LeBron just accept it and move on.

    Okay so that justifies blantantly rule-breaking basketball?

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    10 years from now Arenas will be a footnote on LeBron's career.

    Well with everything Lebron does being forced down the throats of fans ("Lebron scores 41 in first road game, NBA RECORD!! NBA RECORD!!") obviously his career is going to sky-rocket. It's one thing to help promote his achievements, its another to help him get those achievements.
  11. Buckets

    Buckets JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    LeBron does get some weak calls. Like in the first game I think it was he charged Jared Jeffries and Jared got the block just because LeBron is LeBron and Jared is Jared. I still havent seen the travel so I cant comment on it, I was at my own bball game so I couldnt watch that game.
  12. 02civic

    02civic JBB JustBBall Rookie Team

    Sep 16, 2004
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    1 call does not a game make. Fouls are missed all the time, throughout the game. Its unfortunate that it happens but the simple fact is what's the difference between Lebron getting away with a walk with 4.7 seconds left, and Arenas getting a 3 point play thanks to a blocking call against James 18 seconds earlier.
  13. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">1 call does not a game make.</div>

    Word, personally I thought the Wizards got the bulk of the calls to go their way on Friday, James did travel, but the Wiz had their fair share also....and note to Gilbert Arenas, you had a wide open 3 pointer and missed........that's why your team lost.
  14. briang8818

    briang8818 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting 02civic:</div><div class="quote_post">1 call does not a game make. Fouls are missed all the time, throughout the game. Its unfortunate that it happens but the simple fact is what's the difference between Lebron getting away with a walk with 4.7 seconds left, and Arenas getting a 3 point play thanks to a blocking call against James 18 seconds earlier.</div>Shhhhhhh, didn't you know, there was only one play in this game, and it was LeBron's basket.

    The game actually ended 2-0, becuase no other play had a deciding factor in the game's outcome.

    Haywood's goaltend that wasn't called, LeBron's constant drives to the basket where no fould were called, those didn't happen either.
  15. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Thought I'd add another thing, to all the people saying Kobe doesn't get away with anything..................are you insane?!?!?!?.....Kobe has gotten his fair share of calls in the past, and he still gets them now (see 4th quarter of game 3 on Friday night).......superstars get superstar calls, I don't think it should be that way, but unfortunately it is.
  16. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting 02civic:</div><div class="quote_post">1 call does not a game make. Fouls are missed all the time, throughout the game. Its unfortunate that it happens but the simple fact is what's the difference between Lebron getting away with a walk with 4.7 seconds left, and Arenas getting a 3 point play thanks to a blocking call against James 18 seconds earlier.</div>
    Lebron actually moved on the charge attempt, so that is very arguable, and could've gone either way.

    This is the thing, you guys are comparing a clear violation by taking 4 steps to a foul call. Foul calls happen all game, taking 4 steps to do a layup does not happen all game, and if it does it's a violation.

    If it was a debatable foul call that the Wizards didn't get, I would understand because you don't want to decide games on little fouls, but a clear violation is definately not the same thing.

    If it was then we could just have a free for all down the stretch of games where you can just run down the court with guys trying to tackle you, and then try to score.


    Here is a clear violation, not anything that's actually debatable. Now I'm not here to say that's why the Wizards lost, the Wizards also had some mistakes, and Arenas also missed a wide open three at the end, but for anyone to try and deny that being a clear violation that should've been called is beyond me.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    I was thinkin the same thing. The funny part about it is he traveled MULTIPLE times in that game, i alone counted three. The league seems to be protecting James a little. To say they missed that travel would be an all out LIE. That was a WNBA move he pulled.
    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting og15:</div><div class="quote_post">http://x402.putfile.com/4/11823563583.gif">
    That [​IMG] [​IMG]
  18. Lostmyluggage

    Lostmyluggage JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    After all the makeup calls that were made in game four....I mean come on...4 offensive fouls called on LeBron in one game. What is that, a record for the most offensive fouls EVER called on one player??? Please.....I hope the Wizards play straight up in game 5 instead of flopping all over the court like a bunch of actors.

    Reporter: Gilbert, can you comment on the 4 offensive foul calls against LeBron.

    Arenas: "We can stop him with a double team, what else are we supposed to do?"
  19. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    I doubt it's a record, but that's more credited to the Cleveland stagnant one on one offense that had Washington just waiting behind to take charges on Lebron. 2 of the charges were in the first half when Cleveland had the lead and no one complained. In the second half, one was an obvious elbow to the face off JJ.

    Also Lebron had a 5 step travel in the last game too, he's a master of the travelling art. This travel was FAR more obvious though, he got a dish to Donyell Marshall for a three off it too.
  20. XSV

    XSV JBB The Virve Dynasty

    May 7, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Lostmyluggage:</div><div class="quote_post">After all the makeup calls that were made in game four....I mean come on...4 offensive fouls called on LeBron in one game. What is that, a record for the most offensive fouls EVER called on one player??? Please.....I hope the Wizards play straight up in game 5 instead of flopping all over the court like a bunch of actors.

    Reporter: Gilbert, can you comment on the 4 offensive foul calls against LeBron.

    Arenas: "We can stop him with a double team, what else are we supposed to do?"</div>

    VC had 3 offensive foul calls in today's game, and I don't disagree with any of them, but hey, I'm sure you have to find some sort of excuse as to why your team lost[​IMG] .

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