If you're not on the L-Train, what are you waiting for?

Discussion in 'Portland Trail Blazers' started by Blazer Fanatic, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    "Creating space" might be better described as "draws multiple defenders to his side of the paint."

    That's the key. We saw text book execution of this tonight to an open Wes, when the ball was kicked out and swung around the perimeter. Teams are forced to jump out to cover LA's outlet, then the ball swings to the other side and it's a long run to make a contest for the whole defense.
  2. PtldPlatypus

    PtldPlatypus Let's go Baby Blazers! Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Well, I guess that answers that question. :)
  3. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    It doesn't paint the whole picture, but standing back from a distance, it is the one thing people should should see and take away from all this.

    The affect LA has on the team is the gaping hole in Brian's argument.
  4. PtldPlatypus

    PtldPlatypus Let's go Baby Blazers! Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Nov 10, 2008
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    You don't seem to realize that Brian doesn't have a problem with LA as a whole. He just has a problem with a preponderance of 16-23 foot jumpers. If LA did everything that he does now, but increased the percentage of his shots that he takes from the paint, Brian would be THRILLED. I have a feeling that most Blazer fans would as well.
  5. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    I'd just like to point out the LMA's trade value has never been higher.
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  6. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    Also, the Trail Blazers are now 20-2 this season when LaMarcus Aldridge leads the team in scoring.
  7. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    I'm with you... were it not for the "inconsistent" and "chucker" claims, and pretty much the entire tone of his post - ending with a rant about how LA isn't even the MVP of the Blazers.

    I'll just say that there is plenty of room for Brain on the L-Train when he's ready. We'll be emptying the poop tanks before we leave the station, and I'd hate to pull away and look back to see him standing in a pool of Blazer fan crapulence.
  8. PapaG

    PapaG Banned User BANNED

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    This thread proves that some people will complain about anything. I admire BF's attempt at reasoning with BrianFromWA, but she wasn't around last summer when BfromW was urging the Blazers to trade LMA for a bag of potato chips based on one media article.

    So, my response to the lengthy argument that is anti-LMA is tl;dr, because I've read variations of them same post for 7 years now. It probably has to do with mid-range shots and poor rebounding.
  9. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Yes, people nitpicked Jordan and LeBrons game until they won titles. Some fans will never be happy.
  10. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

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    The funny thing is he admits he doesn't watch the games but can dissect the players contributions purely from the box score. I swear some fans think basketball is played with numbers on a spreadsheet.
  11. MickZagger

    MickZagger Well-Known Member

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    I'm on board with the Aldridge. He's proved me wrong this year. I've been a hater to a degree. His up and under move is money. It was cool seeing Duncan come up to him to give him daps after the game.
  12. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    I've had this on-going debate with many, many people that were probably less than candid about their Blazer fan-dom for 3-4 years now as well, on other Blazer forums. I think it's safe to assume I can empathize with what you're saying. Winning cures all... including the diarrhea that is a bad argument. I respond more to provide a counter opinion rather than allow a flood of negative LA sentiment to persists and manifest itself, ultimately turning a Blazer forum into a Blazer troll forum. I'm not saying anyone is a troll, but when times are as good as they've been in 20+ years, and people are still bad mouthing the Blazers or Blazer players, it's time to shut it down like Wes Matthews behind the arc in SA.

    It's just dumb founding to me that someone with that kind of energy to nit-pick and cherry pick at LA, who is having a LEAGUE MVP type season, aren't inclined to direct their effort to doing the opposite. To each their own I guess. I just found the practice of disparaging Blazers for the sake of attention or validation of wrong-headed perceptions dis-interesting, distasteful, and dumb. Some people find enjoyment in that I suppose. Perhaps when the sun isn't out so much, people need to find a replacement for killing ants with a magnifying glass.
  13. Blazer Fanatic

    Blazer Fanatic Suspended

    Nov 15, 2013
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    This would not surprise me.

    I'm not going to force anyone to appreciate LA as I do, or admit fault for being wrong about anything, nor do I find pleasure in telling people "I told you so." I just wish people that were wrong would stop trying to change their bad argument, or justify it, and just move on - accept they were wrong so we can talk about what's great or what we like about this team and LA.
  14. H.C.

    H.C. Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    so question, being that some of the people that are now embracing Aldridge.... are the same people who wanted to do a sign & trade for bosh/amare when they were free agents. Do you feel silly now? I hope so. I'll say and do the same thing on these forums that I did back then on the old ones. *shakes head* Idiots... -.-
  15. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    I've watched every second the Blazers have played (many multiple times) since 2007, aside from when I've been on a camp in Afghanistan. 30 in person, the rest on CSNNW or LeaguePass. That argument doesn't fly. I highly doubt that many in here can say the same.
  16. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    B.S. Your entire schtick here has been a series of "I told you so's" and "I'm the High Priestess of Blazer Fandom" and "your argument is invalid (team record inserted)." When you attempt to delve into the realm of serious basketball discussion your basic premises ("LMA's shooting 50.1% since Dec. 1", for instance) are shown to be incorrect. You're more than welcome to it, but the bolded is absolutely counter to your persona here.
  17. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

    Sep 16, 2008
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    singer songwriter
    Brian, maybe she doesn't enjoy doing it but still does it?


    just as I didn't enjoy going shopping with my ex girlfriend, but I still did it.
  18. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    The line you posted in the OP is wrong. By-month stats here. Game logs here.

    If you're not going to address me, keep this somewhere else. This wasn't "the big knock on LMA's game" for almost anyone. The "big knock" is him chucking more long-range 2's than anyone in the league, and not shooting them anywhere near well enough to help the team.

    But your homeristic Blazer Priestess bias isn't adding anything to backup your position, even if it's the correct one. Why isn't he a better rebounder? Why is having a center helping out? How are those manifested? It's absolutely important to identify bias, but you're not looking in the mirror. How do you reconcile his increase in rebounding numbers with him "not really being
    a better rebounder"? Aside from it being divine Blazer intervention?

    How is it cherry picking when I used every shooting stat available to show your argument is B.S.? Remember that "I wish people would see when they're wrong" quote from above? Hm....
    Well, you didn't say a word about his defense or leadership, so the argument became about his offense. I addressed the rebounding first (and used stats and analysis, unlike your "I don't think he's better" drivel above), then I addressed shooting. I guess I was remiss in not mentioning he's maintained his 13% AST rate, or has increased his assists by 0.3 per game, or that he's maintained his ORtg, (since they haven't changed appreciably in 3 years), but I didn't think that's the argument you were making. You talked about his "line" being the best in his career, and used it as justification to ask why people "weren't on the L-Train".
    I'd be ecstatic to see you show me how LMA has "taken over games in the 4th". No breakdown I have shows 4th-quarter "takeover" percentage. But I've shown that LMA doesn't play appreciably better or worse (he's very consistent!) in wins or losses. I do know that he's missed two "clutch" game-tying or game-winning shots, but I'll wait until there's proof before I state that he (or Dame, or Wes) is clutch and leading the team to victory.
    Why is that? They're the only other players in the league that chuck that many catch-and-shoots or that many pull-up J's a game, regardless of whether they're shooting a 3 or the worst shot in the NBA and one that Stotts tries to get the other team to shoot.
    LMA's at 23.9.
    And LMA is not, which is why I bring up how he's chucking more than anyone in a league from a spot on the floor that Stotts has said he begs other teams to shoot from at an efficiency of Andrea Bargnani
    You're not reading. I've stated in multiple posts in multiple threads over multiple years that LMA shooting 3's (even at a 28% rate) would be better for the team than the 42% he's shooting from his spot, and has CONSISTENTLY shot since his second year in the league. Including right now. Including your December cherry-picked time frame.

    The "effect" on the team? It's that he's taking more shots than anyone in the league, but at a league-average (to be generous) efficiency. That means that the team's offensive efficiency goes down with each one of the league-leading jumpers he chucks up. That's the effect. The problem you're going to run into is that he's not doing anything on the offensive end that he didn't do last year (on a 33-49 team). His shooting stats are down, his offensive rebounding is down, he is leading the league in the most inefficient shot and shooting it way more than even "Elite" shooters like Klay/Dirk/Anderson/etc. do. (In the interest of being totally correct, he IS averaging 0.3 more APG and has lowered his TO rate to 7% from 8%). You can't point to a single offensive metric in LMA's game to show that he's "put them on his back" (other than attempts per game), or to say with any credibility that it's because of these 3 more attempts per game that the team's 30-9. Do you ignore Damian getting 3 more ppg on 0.5 more shots? Or Wes shooting a career-high from the field? Or Nic being a walking nightly assault on a triple-double? Or Lopez's impact? Or the starters being completely healthy every game this year? At Homer's Edge they may not have cared about you backing up your opinion, but there are more than a few here who don't fall for "told you so" B.S. from people who just toss crap at the wall to see if it sticks.

    What was his role last year? You know, the one "built by Olshey" and "'coached by Stotts"? Are you saying that it was built around Hickson or Damian?

    Yes. K*be generally leads the league in shot attempts, as LMA is doing this season. K*be is generally better than 150th or so in efficiency, though. That's why I also compared him to Bargnani. He's shooting more than K*be and at the same efficiency as Bargnani.

    I didn't assume that. I make the assertion that if you're shooting like Bargnani, you either shouldn't shoot or should get into the paint where you add to the team's efficiency (large correlation to record), rather than shooting a league-leading amount of jumpers that detract from it.


    I'll happily explain it again. It's not the "best stretch of his career". The two months around the All-Star Break in 2011 he was shooting about 20 shots per game (about 2 less than he is now), but had a higher ppg (26.9), 9.9 rpg, shooting 54% from the field, and generally defending the other team's best big. Additionally, he actually "won" NBA PotM (only time he's done that), rather than being #3 on a projection board somewhere.

    When you make assumptions, you make an ass of "u" and "mption".
    Of course he's in the conversation--he's leading the league in shots, he's averaging a career-high in ppg/rpg, on the best team in the league. My contention is that you're wrong when you say a) it's the best 6 weeks of his career, b) that he's appreciably different than he was on a 33-49 team last year, and c) that the reason the team's winning is solely because he's "put them on his back".

    Yeah, I've been a little tired of the holier-than-thou Blazer Priestess crap muddling the board, so I decided that this time I wouldn't just sit by and let you attempt to play the "I told you so" card again by making up stats and pushing them off as you being correct.

    33-6 would be better. Don't you think?

    I'm straining to see where a crusade for discouraging Blazer fans is indicated anywhere in my post. Have you stooped to making strawmen now to help assuage the anguish of your opinion's bereavement?

    You might have learned something. Stick around, kiddo, and we'll help you out. More knowledgeable basketball fans is a good thing.

    EDIT: BTW, I love gifs and memes. Always appreciated. :clap: :cheers:
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
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  19. BrianFromWA

    BrianFromWA Editor in Chief Staff Member Editor in Chief

    Sep 9, 2008
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    I'm happy to see that you haven't jumped off the 7th story of a mall yet. :cheers:
  20. KeepOnRollin

    KeepOnRollin Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    If you attempt to go up against Brian you better come ready to play!
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