Man i thought Lue could really do something too but as it turns out even he thinks he isnt ready in a year or two. Reece Gaines should come in the...
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Quote: Originally Posted by ThaLord Type: Avatar Dimensions: Max Player: Dennis Rodman...
<div align="center">[img]<font size="4">VS</font>[img]</div> <font face="Impact">Predicted Starters</font> <font size="4">Blazers</font>...
I dont want carter because he's too injury prone and he's in his prime but DMiles played last season injured and he managed around 10ppg and 5rpg...
Dachen you gotta stop dreaming clevelands record is 33-47 with 2 games left in the season and Orlandos is 19-61 with 2 games left it aint happening....
Anybody got any requests for me?
I think that the Mavericks should, sign and trade nash keep Daniels and get him to start and Best would be the backup.Nash is asking too much but...
Melvin Ely isnt as good as he seem's he's gonna be shipped outta Charlotte also if he doesnt learn how to play as a back up. Unless this guy is a...
You dont have to worry about dajuan taking up minutes as SG , he's converting to PG this summer so JMac wont have such a load at running the point....
Darius Miles isnt as bad as you guys make him seem, the guy is only 22 years old. Hes had 3 succesfull season's and this years season when he was/is...
Sirdunkadelic: 9/10 dachen33:8/10 eginobili20: 8.5/10 TimFlem: 9/10 The Answer: 3026/10 PrimeTime: 9/10
JC is a great player but everybody has a great game now and then. This game was in over time and he could only manage to get 2 assists and he's a...
im done all the stuff ive been working on lately, so im open as well. Check out my stuff on the first page everybody tell me how it is.
D-Miles is really learning a lot from being in portland, he's learning you gotta play your game above the rim and below the rim, you got to shoot and...
dachen my boy that aint happening. D-Miles is starting to show what he's gonna be 21points last night and more than 21 tonight. D-Miles can shoot now...
sorry about that jump i just wanted to see my new avatar and if it worked and i forgot to change it back, now thajuiceman is accusing me of taking...
Jannero Pargo, that guys a free agent the Magic should sign him and trade lue in a package with someone else for a presence downlow. For the presence...
another one? whoa.... thats a pretty damn big design team oh well don't matter. Harry_balls5 heres your jordan sig tell me how it is [img]
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">can some1 plz make me a bulls MJ sig? plz tag back or PM me. thx</div> I got yours.
Aw, crap i forgot to save it as a psd so i'd have to do it all over again. If he dont like it then i will or else know,mydi619 is this alright [img]
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