12/6: Game Thread, Philadelphia 76ers vs Atlanta Hawks

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by B.e., Dec 5, 2004.

  1. jbbReal Deal

    jbbReal Deal Active Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting That NBA Girl:</div><div class="quote_post">Anyone want some free tickets to tomorrow's game? You can take mine! lol.</div>

    It must be bad in Philly.
  2. N4S

    N4S BBW Member

    May 17, 2004
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    I'm at the point were I think we should just trade Glenn and Kenny for a 2006 1st rnd draft pick and tank the season.
  3. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Need4Sheed:</div><div class="quote_post">I'm at the point were I think we should just trade Glenn and Kenny for a 2006 1st rnd draft pick and tank the season.</div>

    That could be a possibity, this franchise is going downhill quickly and Iverson is only going to be at the top of his game for 3 or 4 more years. I say we break apart this team, leaving young players and Iverson. Iguodala, Green, Korver, Iverson, and Dalembert we keep them and trade the rest. I don't think we have any draft picks for the next two years, from what I know we still owe Denver one for the Kenny Thomas trade and we still owe Boston for JEROME MOISO.

    I hope we put this Atlanta game behind us, the only people that showed up to play a game were Iverson and Korver, the Hawks outscored us 50-38 in the first half.

    BTW, That NBA Girl, I don't even want your tickets, the team is just looking that bad. But the last game I went to was against the Pacers (A.I with the game winner) but I am 3-0 when I go to the games this year [​IMG]
  4. N4S

    N4S BBW Member

    May 17, 2004
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    I think Atlanta has a bright future with Childress and Smith on their squad. Very bright.
  5. jbbReal Deal

    jbbReal Deal Active Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Need4Sheed:</div><div class="quote_post">I'm at the point were I think we should just trade Glenn and Kenny for a 2006 1st rnd draft pick and tank the season.</div>
    Trade them to the Hawks and Bulls for a few first rounders...then you'll have a #1, #2 and a #3 pick. [​IMG] jk

    EDIT: Obviously, with cap fillers.
  6. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I'm really starting to hate Jim Obrien. I think he has a big part in are recent losing streak.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Give 76ers coach Jim O'Brien a choice between a veteran and a younger player and he's likely to go with the veteran, he says, because of maturity and physical and mental toughness. That's why he promoted Brian Skinner, a free-agent acquisition in the off-season, over Samuel Dalembert, last season's starter, for the job of No. 2 center behind Marc Jackson. "Brian has earned the playing time over Sammy," O'Brien said last night. "We signed Brian to a long-term contract because he can play. We tracked over the last five games, and he has played well when he's in there. Our production is not as high with Sammy in the lineup as it had been earlier in the season." O'Brien explained that he went with experience on Saturday night, including having Aaron McKie, instead of rookie Andre Iguodala, guard Tracy McGrady at crunch time.</div>

    Jim Obrien, Hawks post game:<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">We had a chance in the fourth quarter and we didn't get it done. The differential on free throws, the offensive boards. We didn't keep the ball in front of us. They just ducked their heads and drove. And we couldn't seem to be able to do anything about that. It's our job to keep the ball off the glass. We didn't do that, we didn't keep Josh Smith off the glass. We couldn't put a body on him. They dominated us physically in the fourth quarter."

    This guy doesnt make much sense at all. The are losing games because, they are getting out rebounded almost every game. Opposing teams are geting easy buckets on us, and getting offensive rebounds on us. Freakin Josh Smith had 3 wide open tip dunks on us. Its pathetic, and he thinks the asnwer to all are rebounding troubles, is Brian Skinner. Think Obie obviously something sit working, why not give the best rebounder and interior defender on this team some minutes! If your so in love with Brian Skinner and Marc Jackson then put Kenny Thoms on the bench, and let Skinner start at his natrual position power foward, then maybe Dalembert could get some decent minutes as a back up center.

    We dont have any team chemistry, this guy has mixed up the starters to many times, and he often takes players out for long periods of time. Its not suprising that we are losing so many games!
  7. jbbReal Deal

    jbbReal Deal Active Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    Just a question, since some of you are hating O'Brien: do you think that Iverson will be screaming "trade" if the Sixers drop their coach?

    Because...I'm not that high on the Sixers...but I do remember the trouble that evolved between AI and Larry Brown, and maybe the coach after Brown (was it Akers?). Maybe I'm wrong...
  8. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Just a question, since some of you are hating O'Brien: do you think that Iverson will be screaming "trade" if the Sixers drop their coach?

    I really doubt that, he made be frustrated though, but he isnt the type of person to demand a trade, he is to loyal.
  9. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Pure Skillz:</div><div class="quote_post">I honestly have no expectations for this team this year as of this point.</div>

    After this loss, I don't blame you for feeling this way. But if you're a true fan (which I believe you are), you should remain very optimistic and still have high hopes for this team. Stuff like this happens all the time. The Hawks beat teams like the Kings, Spurs, Lakers and Mavericks all the time. So there is not to worry about it. <-- I use that term lightly because there is indeed something to worry about, but after reading some of the posts in these threads, looks like a lot of us are giving up way too early.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Pure Skillz:</div><div class="quote_post">You cant say it is AI's fault because he played pretty good today and they still did not win I think that they need to change up the rotation.</div>

    He played alright. I managed to see the 2nd half of the game, and he didn?t look very good. If you look at the game he really did his part in the first quarter. Overall, he had a good performance however after the way he started off he could have done better. He had one too many heat check shots, and in which he could have give his teammates the ball.

    As for the rotation, I certainly agree with that. There needs to be a change, Brian Skinner cannot be the backup center, instead it should be Dalembert. To be honest, I think that Dalembert has caught up with O'Brien defensive scheme but the reason O'Brien isn't playing him is because Dalembert offensive is not there. I think O'Brien expects Dalembert to be a scorer and not a defender.

    During training camp, O'Brien often talked about Dalembert offense. That must means he (O?Brien) has attempted to try and get Dalembert more involved with the offense during training camp. And as far as I seen, despite Dalembert inability to learn the ?defense scheme?, his defense still doesn?t look all that bad well it?s not bad to the point where he should earn a spot in O?Brien doghouse. What O'Brien is doing I believe is that he?s using the ?Dalembert is not learning the defensive scheme? line to hide the fact that he?s not pleased with Dalembert offense and not his defense. He knows that if the public knew that was really the case he would be heavily criticized. So I think that?s pretty much his excuse. And in previous games, surprisingly Dalembert has been taking quite a few perimeter shots. So, that?s pretty much the evidence you need right there.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Pure Skillz:</div><div class="quote_post">Im getting pretty disgusted by this team right now. Its horrible.</div>

    I am too. But quite frankly these losses are wearing down on me, and by each lost I'm not getting any more surprised. During the very beginning of the season, I would very upset if the 76ers lost just one game, now for some reason I could care less if they lost and instead I just hope they just keep trying harder and harder, because things will eventually go our away. If we were Miami Heat fans, last season we would have probably given up. But out of nowhere, look what happens. After a 0-7 start they were bound to finish with a sub .500 record and then they ended up finishing two games over .500 and managed to get to the 2nd Round.

    Now if you look at the schedule, the 2nd Half of the season is all us. The 76ers often make their runs during the 2nd Half of the season, and looking at their schedule it isn?t going to be any different this year. They have many winnable games, and majority of them are at home. So that's something to look forward too.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting KingEarlBoykins:</div><div class="quote_post">You dont know whos gonna play game to game. I have a feeling too were gonna lose sammy d becuase of o'brien.</div>

    You're probably right. O'Brien has never been big on young players; take Joe Johnson in Boston for example. And with the whole situation with Dalembert, things probably aren?t going to be any different. I hope they are to say the least.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Iverson has a very great night and Mckie has to get blocked like a retard.</div>

    You can?t necessarily blame it all on McKie. He had a good shot, but his slow setup did hurt but at the same time Josh Smith is an athletic youngster that could jump out of the gym. And what he did was nothing out of his norm.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">What is going on with our team?</div>

    Work in progress and just flat-out struggling.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Timberwolves are way better than the ATL Hawks man.</div>

    Do not be surprised at all if the 76ers pull out a win.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Obie you need to learn that your best player should stay in for at least 43 minutes of a tight game if you want a win.</div>

    That was indeed a very dumb move. Iverson didn?t look fatigue not one bit, so I don?t know why O?Brien did that.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Jackson. So just start him Obie! He will make a hell of a difference once he plays throughout the season.</div>

    Well you were complaining about the lack of offense. And as far as offense goes, Marc Jackson is not that bad and is by far better in that department than Dalembert is. He actually hit a very crucial shot that game as well. But then there is the lack of rebounding that we complain about. So that's when we can make a valid argument about Dalembert lack of playing time. So the best solution is to start Jackson at the PF and Dalembert at C. I?m still baffled on why O?Brien hasn?t experimented that yet. Kenny Thomas on the other hand can share the minutes with Jackson at the PF. While Skinner can be the backup C.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Kenny Thomas...our star PF. I have to admit..he actually had the exact same statline as Jamaal Magloire last year. He was awesome last year. About 14 ppg and 10 rpg. Somewhere around there. Newayz...whats he now...Like 7 points 6 boards. What in the bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! LOL I mean cmon...hes another reason why we are losing but hes our only PF. What should we do? TRADE HIM!</div>

    I once felt the same way. But Thomas was obviously struggling early on, but now that he's back in his groove he's been performing well as of late. Take the last three games or so as evidence. If he keeps going like this, we could see the last season Kenny Thomas.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I hope the fans stop showing up at games so they will realize how much they really suck and how no one wants to watch them if they suck. Pooor Comcast and Wachovia Center. No Flyers and now probably no Sixers fans to fill those seats.</div>

    The 76ers are you still your team.... right? Well if they are, don't say things like that. Maybe a nice "BOO!!!!" can open they're eyes, but now showing up to the games tells that your not very supportive of the team and just shows that you hope they rot or something. You attend many 76ers games, so you?re pretty much a dedicated fan, but at the same time if you're truly a fan you got to keep rooting them on and not give up so early.

    This is the NBA and things happens, heck after this loss we may end up going on a 16 game winning streak. Who would have known the Pacers would win 61 games last season? Who would have known that the Suns and Sonics would start off like this? And most surprisingly would have known that the Clippers at any point would be the best team in L.A? Now while that means nothing in our case, the fact and the matter is that we still have plenty of time left in the season and we can?t get all fussed about one loss to the Hawks. Teams like the Lakers, Kings, Spurs and TWolves loss to the Hawks all the time. [​IMG]

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">"It's beginning to look a lot like old Sixers". Two Words = Not Good.</div>

    Two Words = Too Early.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I'm at the point were I think we should just trade Glenn and Kenny for a 2006 1st rnd draft pick and tank the season.</div>

    Tank the season? We're just give games under .500. That seems somewhat of a big deficit, but once we get two games under .500 we can easily make a comeback.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I hope we put this Atlanta game behind us.</div>

    That was pretty much a concise version of my entire post. [​IMG] I couldn?t say it better myself.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">It must be bad in Philly.</div>

    Just wait till the 76ers play over there. YIKES!
  10. dond

    dond JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    Guess what ! The Utah Jazz have a 5 game losing streak. Are they going to tank the season ? No ! Are they thinking of firing the coach ? No !

    This team is not very good but they will get better because everyone involved has a burning desire to get better. They all (other than Grob) care about how well this team plays. That includes coaches and players ... they are all doing their best to figure out how to make things work better. It will happen. No-one ever said it was going to be easy. And no-one ever said they would never get below .500 for the season. There is still a very long way to go and the Sixers are really only 1 game out of the 8th seed and 2 games out of first place in the Atlantic and they cannot play much worse. So, keep the faith and you will see that things will get better.
  11. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Guess what ! The Utah Jazz have a 5 game losing streak. Are they going to tank the season ? No ! Are they thinking of firing the coach ? No !

    This team is not very good but they will get better because everyone involved has a burning desire to get better. They all (other than Grob) care about how well this team plays. That includes coaches and players ... they are all doing their best to figure out how to make things work better. It will happen. No-one ever said it was going to be easy. And no-one ever said they would never get below .500 for the season. There is still a very long way to go and the Sixers are really only 1 game out of the 8th seed and 2 games out of first place in the Atlantic and they cannot play much worse. So, keep the faith and you will see that things will get better.</div>

    My thoughts exactly. Majority of us don't understand how young this season really is. There is plenty of time left, and we can't give up so early. And after all, we're in the most un-predictable division? the Atlantic Division and anything can happen.
  12. iversonfan3

    iversonfan3 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    Wow, I'm really giving up on this team, i'm actually already hoping we lose more games so we can get a good lottery pick lol. I know we shuoldn't think like that but i'm just totally lost with this team.
  13. dond

    dond JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting iversonfan3:</div><div class="quote_post">Wow, I'm really giving up on this team, i'm actually already hoping we lose more games so we can get a good lottery pick lol. I know we shuoldn't think like that but i'm just totally lost with this team.</div>

    Well, the good news is ... you are not a part of the team. Hopefully, the players do not share your attitude.
  14. Diesel

    Diesel BBW Member

    Jul 6, 2004
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    OMFG, I watched this game and I was DISGUSTED

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting TheAnswerIsAi3:</div><div class="quote_post">[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Iverson has a very great night and Mckie has to get blocked like a retard. Hes older than Father Time....whats going on with this team. Korver was shooting way too much also in the last 2 minutes of the game. I noticed with one last attempt of desperation...Iverson launches a shot and misses. He should have got the ball instead of Mckie in the first place. What is going on with our team? They have dissapointed me these last what...4,5, or 6 games theyve lost and they now face another great big challenge in the Timberwolves! Timberwolves are way better than the ATL Hawks man. Im worried about alot of things.....</div>

    You mean Iverson has a gret first half becuase from what I watched on TV, Iverson was taking horrible shots in the 2nd half. Kyle Korver is the first person on our team I woulf want taking a shot in the final moments of the gam so nthing wrong there IMO, he just missed them. Iverson didn't necesarily do bad by giving it to McKie. It just so happened Josh Smith had t ohave a block.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">

    1) Jim OBriens coaching abilities...he puts Willie Green in at tough times in the games....If your stupid enough to take out your best player in the ending of the 3rd and for about 3 minutes of the 4th...your not a good coach. We dont see Rudy T. taking out Kobe Bryant in the 4th quarter when its a tight game do we? Well...Obie you need to learn that your best player should stay in for at least 43 minutes of a tight game if you want a win..</div>

    Yes that is a problem. I hope he learns to keep Iverson in the game.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">

    2) Im also worried about the fact that the Sixersjust plain didnt step it up in this game. Usually when Iverson does good....they win...but for some reason...there wasnt enough scoring and rebounding and assists to give them a W. Again...a main reason is because you dont put bench players in the 4th quarter when the Hawks are ahead by 5. How stupid is that?.</div>

    THis is pretty much what you said in the last paragraph.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">

    3) Im definately worried about whats going to happen with this team if they keep this up. They need to trade off a couple of goofy players on the team that will not benefit us when we are in a tight situation. Who guarded Al Harrington? Was it Korver or Iggy? Well if it was Korver im disappointed but Iggy I may be able to understand as of now but some of you might disagree with me on this but...IMO...Iggy should have never got a starting spot just because hes not as good as Willie Green nor Glenn Robinson. Yea I know..GRob is hurt...but that might be another thing we need. An experienced SG. That might be one of our many problems with our team. The need of a SG. Just think about this for a moment...Iguodala is just coming into the NBA...hes only played 16 games in the NBA. Who have we played so far that has an actual very good SG. Rockets have Mcgrady...he hit the last jumper to beat the Sixers just Saturday. Well...I thought Iguodala was an SF? Well he does play SF sometimes and Korver also sometimes plays SG. But...lately Ive noticed whos playing the SF and SG spots and Iggy has been playing the SG.Why put the blame all on Andre Iguodala though? Hes just a rookie right? Well yes...but Im not just putting the blame on Iggy...Im putting the blame on Marc Jackson and Kenny Thomas also for not doing anything. To start off with...Marc Jackson shouldnt even be starting. We ALL know that Samuel Dalembert is better than Jackson. So just start him Obie! He will make a hell of a difference once he plays throughout the season..</div>

    -I am pretty sure Korver was guarding Harrington, Just so you know Andre Iguoudalas defense definetly tops KYle Korvers.
    - I think Andres ok, IMO the Sixers have a very strong back court, its theri front court that needs working on.
    - Andre has good defense, its just that offenses like T-Mac are much better than IGgyd good defense.
    - Jackson is no where at all to blame for this. Kenny Thomas yes Mark JAckson nooo. Marc Jackson is having his best season of his career. I can see why Jim O Brien starts him. If I was O Brien I would start JAckson and give him and Sammy equal minutes. Jackson for offense and Dalembert for defense. Marc JAckson is the better player though he is an experianced veteran.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">

    Kenny Thomas...our star PF. I have to admit..he actually had the exact same statline as Jamaal Magloire last year. He was awesome last year. About 14 ppg and 10 rpg. Somewhere around there. Newayz...whats he now...Like 7 points 6 boards. What in the bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! LOL I mean cmon...hes another reason why we are losing but hes our only PF. What should we do? TRADE HIM!
    Kenny Thomas is struggling, but I wouldn't trade him yet. If he continues to play like this around the end of January then I'd trade him.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Iverson is the reason this team is still even alive right now. As you can see...without him our team would look like the Bobcats after a wild party night with drunk players all over the Hotel Suite. verson missed alot of shots in the 4th quarter but still...he wasnt the reason for the Sixers loss. I dont care how many shots Iverson missed in the 4th...look what he did throughout the half and 3rd. Ended with 30 points after the 3rd quarter and then thats when Obie Trice has to take him out and keep him out until about 6 minutes left of the 4th. Hmmm....do I have anything else to say...Maybe just a little bit more.
    yes yes we all agree that IVerson should have got more minutes

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">

    My final words on this game and almost all the rest is this...Sixers.....youve lost to some of the worst teams in the NBA right now. Making everyone including me that you are among the worst of the NBA right now. Ahead...you have a tough schedule...thats not good. For each of our starters....Marc Jackson...please Obie give this Center a chance to warm up the bench and start SammyD....KennyT....Hes doing bad but hes our only PF...step it up a lil and maybe we can pull off a win...just contain whoever is playing PF in the Wolves game (please not KG). Korver....had his first bad shooting night tonight but im not disappointed...hes shown us that he can hit threes when we need him. Keep up the good work and hopefully you get as much time as Iverson. Iggy...Your doing good for a rookie I guess...facing players such as Mcgrady and having the possibility of facing Garnett Wednesday...Good Luck. Iverson...Havent been doing good lately but today you showed that you can do something again. Hopefully the 30 + games can keep coming and Maybe if they do...we MIGHT see a win depending on teammates. If Iverson keeps up the Point scoring and keeps his turnover down like he has lately...will we see a win to end this what like 6 game losing streak? Well I sure hope so. Good Luck to the Iversons Sixers when they host Wolves...their gonna need it.</div>

    - What horrible teams have the Sixers lost to other than the Hawks?
    - Yes I believe right now that they are one of the crappier teams but thats FOR NOW.
    -JAckson is deserving of his center starting spot just give Sammy equal minutes.
    - Iggy will no way in hell be guarding KG.

    Heres my final words. THe Sixers could easily turn this season around just like that. If we still support our team maybe it can give them confidence. I'll continuer to support them.

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