The Bills are most likely a year away from being a true blue threat. I mean there defense is one of the best in the league, There offense just wont be enough to hang with the Defenses in that division just because of J.P's growing pains. Miami is going to be great on D, The Jets are very balanced on D, and then you got the Pats who have the most confusing and brutal defense in the division, The Bills will struggle this year just because of Losman breaking in, Give em another year after this and then you can talk 12-4, they won't be completly helpless or anything but the playoffs are kind of a stretch especially in the AFC. On the other hand how many of us saw the Steelers going 15-1 last year? And the year before that how many of us saw the Panthers going to the Superbowl? The Bills could possibly pull something like that but I just can't see it happening yet.
I predicted the Panthers going to the superbowl when they did, but I didn't see it happening against the Pats. It was a lucky guess - I don't remember who I guessed would represent the AFC.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (tko51)</div><div class='quotemain'>Clayton is the very same Bonehead that said we'd be lucky to get a 5th rounder for Henry - shows what he knows, doesn't it? Clayton must lick a lot of Dolphin @$$.</div> Clayton, at least, is objective. Unlike Berman who is madly in love w/ EVERY team in the northeast and does not hide it. There are 5 football "experts" in Bristol who like/respect the 'phins. Clayton, Hank Goldberg, Mort, M Irvin, & even former bill Paul Maguire
paul maguire is a bonehead - you can not tell me that he doesn't ever shut up with his useless babble. He points out the obvious and then sounds like he wants a pat on the back all the time for doing it.
Maguire may be a bonehead but its better than Theisman or Mike Patrick. PM, at least, has a sense of humor
say what you want but they got the job as a anaylis and you didn't so it really don't matter. Personally I like Mortenson the best for a anaylis but Berman and Scott are great hosts for highlights.
Joe Theisman doesn't really bother me - neither does Mark Schlereth or Berman (he's a Bills fan and something tells me we'll be hearing a lot about circled wagons this year). Irvin annoyed the hell outta me. I could just see John Madden going off on a rant about how big some offensive lineman or DT's butt is and drawing a big circle around it with his telestrator.
Another guy I absolutely can't stand is Jerry Glanville - this guy ranks right there with Paul Maguire.