Anybody hear who says that Mo is a better player that JJ is CRAZY... JJ is a better player and although this trade wont go through I would make it anytime, anyday
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Eclipse:</div><div class="quote_post">^ actually, Mo Pete is a slightly above average defender. You would know that if you watched any Raptor games at all.</div> Actually, I do watch Raps games, and I enjoy them too. But I guess my only real point of reference is watching Mo Pete defend Paul Pierce, and that's just not even right, slightly above average or no.
Mo Peterson is a good defender no doubt about it... Don't you remember the game that he hold Michael Redd on 14 pts ??? He's a good player overall, and this trade is so good for the raps.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Proz4k:</div><div class="quote_post">Mo Peterson is a good defender no doubt about it... Don't you remember the game that he hold Michael Redd on 14 pts ??? He's a good player overall, and this trade is so good for the raps.</div> do you Remember the game where Kobe lit us up for 50 pts, and the night before J-Rich and Dunleavy were unstoppable?
Mo is a good defender against certain matchups, he's good against Redd because he's willing to run around screens all day, and Redd isn't that good an athlete, so he isn't able to beat Mo in many different ways. Outside of that, Mo is about an average defender, some people overatte his defense, and Chuck sometimes calls him outstanding, but he's just average, he tries to take charges too much at times too.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Ignignot:</div><div class="quote_post">Actually, I do watch Raps games, and I enjoy them too. But I guess my only real point of reference is watching Mo Pete defend Paul Pierce, and that's just not even right, slightly above average or no.</div> Err I don't know. Before VC use to guard Paul Pierce in the Raptors-Celtics matchups for the majority part of the games from what I remember. Now, after the trade, Mo started to guard Pierce, and Pierce was just normal Pierce. He didn't light him up or anything, just typical Pierce. But I don't know -- to you watching Mo guard Pierce not being right might be right to you since you actually thought/think that Mo doesn't play a lick of D. One problem that Mo has, is that he tries to do too much on D and it ends up being a foul on him, like flopping and such, which helps his opponent get to the FT strike. He'll be a good defender against the more perimeter oriented guards (Rip, Redd, Crawford and co). However, he's just pretty average when it comes to the stronger guards who take it to the rack often.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Ignignot:</div><div class="quote_post">I can't believe I'm hearing that Joe Johnson is a slight upgrade to Morris Peterson. What an insult. What a homer this one is. Morris Peterson hasn't played a lick of defense in his life, he has no positive playoff experience, and he isn't enough of a team player to get anywhere near the minutes of Joe Johnson. The real difference here is defense, I know a lot of people don't like to talk about it, but defense is important in basketball. Being able to stop your man from scoring sometimes can be a good thing. When Mo Pete can stop my grandmother, we can have this conversation again.</div> I agree that JJ is way better than Mo Pete, but where did you get the idea that Mo doesn't play a lick of defense? You live in Maine, so you probably see the Raptors 4 times a year, max, plus some ESPN coverage. Peterson is an ok perimeter defender, and is quick. I'm pretty sure you got this idea because Pierce has burned Peterson through the years, but Mo is a pretty good defender.
We all know JJ is a upgrade to MO...but with the money JJ is getting compared to Mo's...i would rather take Mo and the first round pick