Kobe and MJ at 25

Discussion in 'NBA General' started by Diesel, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. Netsfan501

    Netsfan501 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    MJ is easily better at the age of 25. the stats prove it all. but the thing is basically at 25 taht was when MJ entered his prime. KObe isnt really in his prime yet. I think lat year he was just entering it. KObe will start to shine a lot more now that shaq is gone. Mj was better at 25, but kobe will be better in the long run.
  2. Karma

    Karma The Will Must Be Stronger Than The Skill

    Nov 20, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    On the flip side,Kobe has the talent to be an all-time great. But as of yet,other than his Jordan like walk and talk and his emulations of Jordan on the court,there is no comparison. So Kobe dropped 30ppg in a season and won three titles as the second fiddle to Shaq. That doesn't make him in Mike's League. That's what I dont understand about this whole thread.

    Kobe at 25 and Mike at 25 can't be compared because they are in two entirely different situations. Where Mike had to be the man night in and night out and carry his team,Kobe had the luxury of playing with Shaq and having a relatively smooth ride because of the defensives laxes to try and contain Shaquille. I just want people to actually know what they talk about before they speak.

    And for anyone to call Pip anything other than an All-Time great is ludicrous. Pip at one time was considered the best player in the League.

    After this season,we can compare they two more accurately because Kobe is gettin' ready to step up to the plate and see if he is actually ready to be the man. He's gettin' ready to enter a realm that Jordan called home for 14 years

    very well said [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. bbwtrench

    bbwtrench BBW Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Cant wait too! woot!
  4. Herbal-Tea

    Herbal-Tea JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 5, 2004
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    Is there anything left to say about MJ vs Kobe anymore? I think Dre summed it up perfectly.

    [EDIT] Original post was harsh and uncalled for. I take it back. [/EDIT]
  5. basketballer

    basketballer JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting balluva:</div><div class="quote_post">[quote name='balluva']alrite, u c the nba bodies these days, almost all rookies have more muscle than mj had when he first came in. His body was like pure skin when he same in, he had hops, quickness and natural strength that was all he neeed to dominate. Now if ur body is not well conditioned like mj's was, then ur toast, ur dead, look at lebron carmelo wade, then all got beast like bodies, and kobe at 25 was huge. MJ had nice natural ability but if he was in the nba in that body, he'd be totaly meshed. Kobe is better but not by a lot.</div>

    I hate kobe he is a raper

    But i guess no one knows the truth until he is proven guilty or innocent so i dont really know

    <font color="red">We have this nice little feature known as the edit button. Check it out and use it instead of double posting.


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