Guys, I'm swamped with school work tonight and I have class tomorrow. I won't be able to update the selections page until after tomorrows classes, which is 10PM Pacific, and if I'm tired, then it won't even get done til Wednesday. So sorry, for the delay. For those who are diligent, you can keep PMing each other for picks and if you guys double check certain picks with the transactions already made, that is cool too. Just a heads up. Shit happens when you are a Junior taking grad level classes with people who are married/have kids/4yrs (MIN.!) older than you.
Lol I totally procrastinated my pick for like the last 3 days and pretty much everyone I was eying got picked. We should trade .
My team is rounding out pretty well right now: PG: Jonny Flynn SG: Danny Granger/DeMarr Derozan SF: Jeff Green/Donte Green PF: Tyrus Thomas/Brandon Bass C: Andrew Bynum If this was real life, I'd probably want to look in to getting a veteran at some point, but I really dig the young (and incredibly affordable) core I've got going so far. I think I'm going to look in to getting a backup C or PG this round, but it'll all depend on availability.
PG: Brandon Jennings/Steve Blake SG: Francisco Garcia SF: Lamar Odom/ Omri Casspi PF: Jason Thompson/Taj Gibson C: Brook Lopez
TBH I was dying to get Evans and Hawes as well lol. I'm no Sac fan but one could say that I have the GM savvy and eye for talent of Geoff Petrie.
I'm assuming Craig Smith since he's a tank. It's that local talent that catches the eye of people I'm all over Kings' and Warriors' players too despite being a Jazz fan.