The Regression of Yao

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by durvasa, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Billa_Bong

    Billa_Bong JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Trip:</div><div class="quote_post">Yes, I think it is the Chinese lifestyle. From what I remember having read, Yao even rode a bike to practices. Guess that prevents your body from being too idle an gaining weight. However, I doubt that you can gain weight whenever you want. For example, I have yet to come across someone whose parents were both thin and he is fat. Genes have to factor in. When your parents are overweight, you probably would be too. One thing that puzzles me is how Yao's parents were both professional players. Therefore, they must have been athletic. However, Yao isn't. Is that his fault or is it that his parents aren't athletic?</div>

    Genes have nothing to do with affecting your ability to build muscle, we are not talking about Yao gaining weight, but building muscle. I would love to see Yao have big buff arms like Shaq, his chest sticking out, thats all gym. He needs t owork on that.
  2. drm2dnk

    drm2dnk JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Billa_Bong:</div><div class="quote_post">Genes have nothing to do with affecting your ability to build muscle, we are not talking about Yao gaining weight, but building muscle. I would love to see Yao have big buff arms like Shaq, his chest sticking out, thats all gym. He needs t owork on that.</div>
    Genes have something to do with it all what Trip said..less fast food less fat people. And parents that are fat have fat kids...but in yao's case..his parents were both tall and skinny..yea ofcourse it's possible to gain muscle mass..but for a 7'6 300 +pound guy it's gna make him even slower..building muscle mass will make you gain weight fyi...
  3. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">And parents that are fat have fat kids</div>
    Do you think that's because of genes, or because the fat parents feed their kids the food they eat, so therefore they are fat. It's just different ways of looking at it. If Yao's parents were raised like they were, its obvious they'll raise Yao like they were raised so he'll probably turn out almost the same. I'm guessing his parents were almost like him, lanky in figure but nevertheless athletic. I mean, who can argue Yao isn't athletic, its more he's just uncoordinated because of his freakish limbs and bones.
  4. hungi1115

    hungi1115 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    didnt i tell u guys just to trade him to Denver for Nene?????
    remember??? =)
  5. bbwtrench

    bbwtrench BBW Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Yao is not aggressive. He just doesnt have that fire in his eyes. I think it was a mistake to trade for T-Mac. thats just me of course.
  6. drm2dnk

    drm2dnk JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting hungi1115:</div><div class="quote_post">didnt i tell u guys just to trade him to Denver for Nene?????
    remember??? =)</div>
    i don't remember but nene and andre miller for yao sounds good right now
  7. durvasa

    durvasa JBB Rockets Fan

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I'm starting to wonder if the league is evolving in a way that will make big centers obsolete. In the mid-90s, a team NEEDED to have big bodies to be successful. And preferably, they needed a dominant center. But now you see a lot of teams which use players who would traditionally be power forwards playing a lot of minutes at center. It seems to me that quickness and athleticism is become more important than size.

    I really think that a player like Yao could have been more effective in the 90s, when you had illegal defenses. It would have been much easier to isolate him in the post and drop the ball down low. Now its a great big chore, as teams are using more and more zone defenses. Shaq's offensive numbers have taken a huge drop the last few years, and I think it may have to do more with the new defenses than his age.

    If that trend is true, it could mean that Yao will become less and less useful to a franchise. But I wouldn't give him up for anything less than a legitimate superstar, because there's still a chance that he'll become a truly dominant inside force in this league.
  8. drm2dnk

    drm2dnk JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    THis thread is so depressing it should be closed. IT's yao's 2nd year and trolls are already talking about his
  9. jbbReal Deal

    jbbReal Deal Active Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting drm2dnk:</div><div class="quote_post">THis thread is so depressing it should be closed. IT's yao's 2nd year and trolls are already talking about his</div>
    His second year? You mean third?
  10. Sniper

    Sniper JBB Long Range Assassin

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Yeah, if this was Yao's second season and he were averaging 19ppg and 8rpg I don't think anyone would be worried or complaining. However, these are weak numbers for a guy with 2 seasons (and a playoff series against the most dominant player in the game) under his belt. Third year = defining year in most cases.
  11. drm2dnk

    drm2dnk JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    He still deserves a llil more time ..didn't kg , tmac, odom suck their first 2-3 seasons..and we're talkin abt the first successful chinese star to come to the nba here
  12. dimch

    dimch JBB JustBBall Member

    May 13, 2004
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    I think it's hard to be athletic when you're 7"6.

    But anyway, I think being Asian does become a factor when you talk about physique.
    African-American people naturally have a higher ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch muscles, and this is what gives them a 'cut up' look when they work out. However, Asians have a relatively low ratio, and thus it becomes harder for them to get the 'cut up' appearance. Genes also play a role in what ratio you have, so that explains why some Asians are cut up, while most are not.
  13. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    London/Mississauga, ON
    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting trenchteam:</div><div class="quote_post">Yao is not aggressive. He just doesnt have that fire in his eyes. I think it was a mistake to trade for T-Mac. thats just me of course.</div>
    I thought so too. This trade for T-Mac might just have the same effect as the Charles Barkley trade did. The trade virtually emptied our stomach and added new food in. At the early stages, the body would not get used to the change in diet, but over time, it will. Let's just hope we adjust in time so that when we finally gel, Yao and T-Mac would still be healthy and with the team.
  14. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I thought so too. This trade for T-Mac might just have the same effect as the Charles Barkley trade did. The trade virtually emptied our stomach and added new food in. At the early stages, the body would not get used to the change in diet, but over time, it will. Let's just hope we adjust in time so that when we finally gel, Yao and T-Mac would still be healthy and with the team.</div>
    Thats very true, but I think it was a bigger mistake of not trying to get a true legit starting point guard like Derek Fisher, Antonio Daniels, or Jeff Mcinnis. It was obvious after the McGrady trade that our backcourt was completely damaged as well as our power forward spot, which was originally taken by Cato. Yes, I understand the salary cap was tough after the trade, but instead of signing Charlie Ward or Andre Barrett, I think we should of at least made an attempt for a quality point guard. That at least would have left us with one less hole to fill, and not leading to the disarray we are in now.
  15. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    London/Mississauga, ON
    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting AznxBaller:</div><div class="quote_post">Thats very true, but I think it was a bigger mistake of not trying to get a true legit starting point guard like Derek Fisher, Antonio Daniels, or Jeff Mcinnis. It was obvious after the McGrady trade that our backcourt was completely damaged as well as our power forward spot, which was originally taken by Cato. Yes, I understand the salary cap was tough after the trade, but instead of signing Charlie Ward or Andre Barrett, I think we should of at least made an attempt for a quality point guard. That at least would have left us with one less hole to fill, and not leading to the disarray we are in now.</div>
    There had been reports that we had had Brent Barry in our pockets, but in the end he went to San Antonio. I don't see a reason why we should have gone after someone like Fisher when the amounts that they eventually signed for was close to $40 million. Right now, what we should do and can only do is to pray that Sura can be our savior, or a trade will land us the right candidate.
  16. durvasa

    durvasa JBB Rockets Fan

    Feb 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting drm2dnk:</div><div class="quote_post">He still deserves a llil more time ..didn't kg , tmac, odom suck their first 2-3 seasons..and we're talkin abt the first successful chinese star to come to the nba here</div>

    I don't know about Odom, but Garnett and McGrady showed constant improvement. My problem with Yao is that his play is getting worse. I mean, he's a better scorer than in his rookie season, but in all other facets of the game he's not playing as well. If Yao was average only 14 ppg, but he was getting 11 boards, 2.5 blocks, and 2 assists while playing 35 minute a night, I'd be much happier. And it's not just the individual stats. Yao isn't helping the team when he's on the court. Check the numbers at The Rockets have outscored opponents this season when he's sitting on the bench, and we're getting outscored when he's on the court. This should be of great concern to any Rockets fan.
  17. bbwtrench

    bbwtrench BBW Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Orlando is the one prospering with their new ball club. Hill is healthy, Francis, Mobley, and the rest are playin excellent ball. T-Mac is way over-rated. He's going to end up like a Penny Hardaway. sad but true.
  18. chineseafro

    chineseafro JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 28, 2004
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    Dat Nguyen of the Dallas Cowboys a big enough asian for you?

    Ahem.... The true chinese speaks. I lived in a home very close to Yao's. Same block, my dad, my uncles, and my cousins attended and still attend the same school. Yao did ride a bike to practice, but it wasnt just practice, it was school. I dont know how much you know about chinese culture, but chinese children have their limbs measured and those measurements as calculated to ultimately give you an approximate maximum height. Yao was told early on that he was going to be well of 7 feet tall. They do this to a lot of children, Im not sure how that screening process works, hell if I went to school there, theres a good chance that I might be playing chinese basketball there. Kids there practice all day long, school revolves around the athlete's schedule, not like in the US where they say, "Youre a student first and an athlete second," hell we all know that thats no longer true, Maurice Clarett proves that. Chinese athletes unless they are in olympic contention for strength related sports usually do not strength train. Dont ask I dont know, all I know is that my dad told me that it impedes your growth and they dont want that, or some crap like that. Basically the moral of that entire sporadic paragraph is that they train from birth, and being from a chinese background I know what Im talking about, although I may not convey it so well. By the way dont get into the, "If the train from birth why is Yao so crappy?" Hes a good center, but NBA players are faster and stronger than international players, chinese players in particular are finesse players. We hit the jump shots and dont look for contact so much, its just the way the chinese play basketball.

    Also you guys mentioned genetics, genetics plays only a small part in a persons development. Inherited traits, chances of obesity, height, skin color, you know the rest. Geography plays the biggest part. I was fortunate enough to be born here, though I spent and still do spend most of my summer vacation in china. (When I was really little I lived there for a few months, I was so young and impressionable that the language stuck, and I knew more shanghainese [Chinese dialect, Yao's native language, Mandarin is just the national standard no one speaks if they know shanghainese outside of governmental offices] than I did english) My cousin was born only a month before me and in china.

    I am 6'1, 200 lbs, Im a football lineman and a small forward. I squat 305 lbs, Im ashamed of how much I can bench (couldnt weight train until this year) so Im not going to list that.

    My cousin is 5'8, 130 lbs. He can still fit into shoes that I wore in the 5th grade. He can barely lift 20 lbs on a barbell.

    Its all about the food and the lifestyle, I spent my childhood tackling my neighbors, playing basketball until I couldnt see the hoop anymore. He spent his childhood studying in preparation for a chinese life. I ate american soul food, pizzas, burgers, and moms homecooking. He ate rice, more rice, EVEN MORE RICE, and then some meat. Im what they call first generation chinese american, Im abnormally huge, I goto china and I play center, here Im barely big enough to play small forward or a guard position.

    Someone said Yao should eat more burgers, doesnt work that way, in fact he would be better off eating more chinese food. First of all the american food messes with his system, hell I know when I was in china I had the ****s for most of the trip. The reason his mom is here is to cook for him! Give him a comfort level. Also believe it or not chinese food is much greasier than the food here, its very unhealthy, people like my cousin are skinny because they adapted to it. Im no fatass but I would gain less weight eating at a buffet in the states than in china. Hes not going to gain weight by eating american foods. Suppliments maybe but not the food. Asians can become as big as Big Ben, but its harder to do that when you dont start from a young age. Ben was probably lifting at age 11, Yao never got the chance. I remember reading an article his rookie year, the strength trainer was amazed that this was the first time Yao ever lifted weights.

    My belief is still that unless he quits the Chinese national team he wont be able to reach his potential, but thats also a huge catch 22.
  19. bbwtrench

    bbwtrench BBW Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    [​IMG] I with you. Asians tend to be smaller due to lifestyle, but it has little to do with genetics.
  20. Hitch

    Hitch JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">He still deserves a llil more time ..didn't kg , tmac, odom suck their first 2-3 seasons..and we're talkin abt the first successful chinese star to come to the nba here

    Gotta remember that KG and T-Mac came right out of high school. And Lamar had a stellar rookie season.

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